Fat Princess: A Piece of Cake coming later this year


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita

Its a iOS/Droid/Vita Free-To-Play release.

iOS screenshot
Hell yes! I loved the first game on PS3. Hopefully this will help fund a sequel for the PS4 (which is what everyone has been wanting).
One of the better PSN releases on the PS3 and would make for a perfect game on the Vita.. can't wait
Saw that last week on Reddit, it's really just a match 3 game with a Fat Princess skin. This is not the Fat Princess you were looking for.

Its supposedly already available on iOS in some countries and will give you a code for the PS3 game once you get past level 15.
Saw that last week on Reddit, it's really just a match 3 game with a Fat Princess skin. This is not the Fat Princess you were looking for.

Its supposedly already available on iOS in some countries and will give you a code for the PS3 game once you get past level 15.
Was just going to say this. It's worth it because you can get Fat Princess free
This is very disappointing. When I saw that Fat Princess was a match three game in the video montage of the free to play from the Sony E3 I was sad. Seems a waste to me.

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