Facebook acquires Oculus Rift

Is this a good thing or bad thing

  • Awesome news. Just what the industry needed.

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • This is a nail in the coffin for VR. Facebook will ruin the best hope we had and no one will care.

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters
I dont know what to think about this Oculus issue. We shall see in the future.
Like I said before. I really don't think this is an issue for the Oculus. I think the Oculus is trying to do too much.

I just want a headset I can put on my face with my glasses and be able to play video games without disturbing my wife when she's taking a nap in the same room. Headplay did that for $400-500 dollars to an amazing extent a decade ago.

They're going overboard with these new ones. Why can't they release a $200-300 dollar head mounted monitor at 720p? I'd love a $100 dollar one. Don't need bells or whistles. If it works with porn and games I don't know if I could become any happier.

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