Exit Fate


PSLS Level: Bronze
Exit Fate is this RPG Maker XP-built game that I came across a few years ago. I can't recall how, exactly, but I'm glad that I did. It's a nice traditional JRPG-style game, which pays much homage to the JRPG's that inspired it -- most noticeably Suikoden II. I really enjoyed the game, especially since such games are considerably less common on consoles these days, so it was a refreshing sort of return to "the good ol' days," so to speak. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I even made a website dedicated to providing all sorts of gameplay info and whatnot, since there didn't seem to be many FAQ's or the like around on the 'net. With that said, I figured I'd share the game with anyone interested here, along with my site for anyone who may play the game. :) It's a free game and all, so if you've been itching for a more traditional JRPG (think PSX era), or maybe are simply looking for something new to play, I definitely recommend giving this a try, at the least.

You can download the game from the creator's site here.
For more details on the game itself, as well as in-game info: The Hand of Fate

On the other hand, if anyone else has already played the game, what are your thoughts? Or if you decide to check it out after reading this post, what do you think of it? Would love to have some more people to share and discuss this game with. ^^

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