Evolve Alpha


PSLS Level: Newbie
Anyone else pre order and not receive codes? I thought i would be given an email about codes but non so far. If anyone has an extra key pls let me know
Anyone else pre order and not receive codes? I thought i would be given an email about codes but non so far. If anyone has an extra key pls let me know

I got my code for signing up for the Alpha, not from a pre-order.
The Big Alpha won't be taking place on PS4 now, so it doesn't really matter anymore...
The Big Alpha won't be taking place on PS4 now, so it doesn't really matter anymore...
I played it on PS4 this morning.

Did anyone else get a chance to try it out? I had a great time eating people as the monster. :D
I played it on PS4 this morning.

Did anyone else get a chance to try it out? I had a great time eating people as the monster. :D

I spent 30 minutes looking at the "finding game" screen and having the game fail and close down a few times.. never once got into a game.
I spent 30 minutes looking at the "finding game" screen and having the game fail and close down a few times.. never once got into a game.
I hope to get a beta code if they ever do one. I'm not saying it will be a Day 1 buy for me, but I'm definitely looking forward to more wild dinosaur action.

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