Early Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment Thoughts


Staff member
So I am about 10 hours into the game, started at floor 76 and I have reached floor 80 of 100. Thought I would give some early thoughts on the game ahead of my review.

The good thing about the game is that even if you have never seen the anime, the game does a good job of providing back story into the world and getting you caught up. It still helps to have seen the anime so you understand the characters a bit better.

Battle system is fun and gives you a lot of options with skills and whatnot, but is also fairly shallow and boils down to a lot of spamming O.

A lot more exploration than a game like Ragnarok Odyssey, a lot more freedom. However, what is there to explore is a little bit meh.

Holy crap, I hate the fact that in Japan, O is the button that goes forward in a menu instead of X in America. Can't tell you how many times I have gone through a couple of menus on accident because I hit O thinking I was exiting the menu.
lol, that is the main reason I got the BL2 Vita 2000 bundle instead of importing one. It still throws me off every time I play FFVII.

Are Floors 76-100 the only ones available? Or does it let you explore some of the lower floors?
quick question. Since you played the game, would you say the trailers did the game justice?
from wut ive seen the gameplay is kinda like White Knight Chronicles on the PSP
lol, that is the main reason I got the BL2 Vita 2000 bundle instead of importing one. It still throws me off every time I play FFVII.

Are Floors 76-100 the only ones available? Or does it let you explore some of the lower floors?
I have not seen an option to go back to previous floors. .though I think that's because there was another game released before this one.
quick question. Since you played the game, would you say the trailers did the game justice?
from wut ive seen the gameplay is kinda like White Knight Chronicles on the PSP
I would say WKC is a pretty good comparison.

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