Disgaea 4


PSLS Level: Bronze
Anybody played it yet?

Also, I thought we'd get a discount on previous Disgaea titles this week (including D3) to celebrate the release of D4 on the Vita.

Instead, we get some PSP games and a couple of mediocre Vita titles on sale.
I'm playing D4 right now. Seems feature wise very close to D3 on Vita. Only a few hours in, and Disgaeas really doesn't open up until the end game.

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Pretty much lol. I had like 150 hours into D3 Vita

Solid hours-per-dollar investment, then?

I think the only game I got that many hours in is Pokemon X, in which I'm around 250hs.

EDIT: Is that still main storyline? Or side quest, 100%-ing it, and so on?
Main story is probably under 30 hours. The vast majority of the game is maxing out everyones levels & gear. Like most STPGs/RPGs its definately has a good $$ > Hour value. I can put up moee pics tomorrow if you'd like.

But I've seen a lot of it. Just never had the opportunity to talk to someone who actually is/was playing it.

But I've seen a lot of it. Just never had the opportunity to talk to someone who actually is/was playing it.
Should have been a PS Plus subscriber when disgaea 3 was free.

The games are great, there are multiple endings, and extra story content.

All the story stuff should keep you busy for 30-40+ hours with trying to platinum can take 100-300 depending on your familiarity and help with understanding tips and tricks.
Also you can always grab the first one. It's $10 on PSN.

Fact of the matter is, the games are hard to do in reverse order. You lose features you get so used to and dependent on that it just doesn't feel right anymore.

The PSP version is better than the PS2 version, but either should suffice for your first romp.
Yeah, I didn't have a Vita back in... April? Of last year. So I missed out on PS+.

That said, when it comes to RPGs of most kinds, I prefer to own the game, as I like re-visiting and you never know what may happen with digital stuff.

I travel a lot for work and internet / money for subscriptions / method of payments sometimes are a pain.

I'm glad to see that the games are good, though. I'll snatch one up as soon as I can.
Great series and Disgaea 4 is one of the better in the series in my opinion. Now I don't get as hardcore as these guys.. I just beat the game and move on. :)
Yeah, I didn't have a Vita back in... April? Of last year. So I missed out on PS+.

That said, when it comes to RPGs of most kinds, I prefer to own the game, as I like re-visiting and you never know what may happen with digital stuff.

I travel a lot for work and internet / money for subscriptions / method of payments sometimes are a pain.

I'm glad to see that the games are good, though. I'll snatch one up as soon as I can.
You do know you can go on the PS3, or on the website and snatch free PS4 and free Vita games even if all you have is a PS3 and Plus right? Website is required for PS4 games btw.
I only own a PSP and a Vita. No home consoles at all. No TV, even. So I bought my PS+ membership when I got my Vita.
I still regret trading in D3 after I plat'd it. =/ Traded in like 4 Vita titles in 2012, wish I didn't. I don't plan on trading in another one until Sony finally gives the official 'discontinued' press release.
Great series and Disgaea 4 is one of the better in the series in my opinion. Now I don't get as hardcore as these guys.. I just beat the game and move on. :)

Great to know! I just saw it on local ads for $35 sealed. Will try to snatch it.

I still regret trading in D3 after I plat'd it. =/ Traded in like 4 Vita titles in 2012, wish I didn't. I don't plan on trading in another one until Sony finally gives the official 'discontinued' press release.

Never trade RPGs or platformers unless they were crap, haha. That's my rule, at least.
... Rayman Origins was one of the other ones....

I think it was Madden NFL 13, Rayman Origins, Resistance Burning Skies, Unit 13, & Disgaea 3.
I still regret trading in D3 after I plat'd it. =/ Traded in like 4 Vita titles in 2012, wish I didn't. I don't plan on trading in another one until Sony finally gives the official 'discontinued' press release.
Lol you got a platinum on Disgaea 3. What else were you going to do with it at that point? Might as well just buy it used on PS3 and get another platinum. :p
Lol you got a platinum on Disgaea 3. What else were you going to do with it at that point? Might as well just buy it used on PS3 and get another platinum. :p

Re-play it, eventually?

I really like replaying old games that I've liked, specially ones with decent storylines.
Lol you got a platinum on Disgaea 3. What else were you going to do with it at that point? Might as well just buy it used on PS3 and get another platinum. :p

lol Honestly? I just wish I had it just to have it basically. I don't feel like replaying it again, since D4 was coming (I'm 4 hours in!). Same with most of the games I traded in, I just wish I kept them to have them in my physical collection.

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