Destiny Trophy List


PSLS Level: Bronze
The trophy list for Destiny was released today in the Bungie Weekly Update. It's in image form.


Edit: Linky
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Some of these are gonna be pretty annoying, not gonna try and platinum it, but it'll be fun to see what i can pull off. So i may do A LITTLE trophy hunting on this.
I'm just chompin at the bits to get my hands on the raid. I haven't done a raid for over a year now and I need some! Last raid I ranwas in SWTOR with the best Guildies I've ever had. RIP, Shot First. :'(

That reminds me, LF4M for a raid team possibly 5, depending if my Shot First buddy intends to raid.
I look forward to the ghost edition. Though i wonder if they will throw in any dlc trophies later on.
This one seems different. Hell, I've even put down trophy hunting to play the beta!! Yeah, talk about the great September timesink of 2014.
I might or might not have gone to bed a few hours later than normal today to find more time for the Destiny beta...

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