destiny beta discussion


PSLS Level: Newbie
Played 2 missions as a titan last night. So far I can say the RPG elements are not overly complicated.. this is still very much an action game.

I played on hard difficulty, the AI was average , but this is the beta.

It was very late when I got a chance to play...but so far I'm looking forward to more
Yeah, definitely a well put together game. Remains to be seen what kind of legs it has in terms of the amount of content, though. But we probably won't know that until release.
Loving it so far, great maps, playing as the hunter is fun as hell. Great gameplay, however it's a littleWas at er yesterday from 1:30pm to 7pm bit like ps home, borderlands 2, and star wars. Still, can't wait for it to come out, so glad i pre-ordered it.
Got the the co-op portion.. took damn near an hour trying to kill that spider/eye brain thingy.. Playing on hard
Were you guys hitting the week spots (legs) and burning the core when it showed? It should not take anywhere near that long, it only took me a little over an hour to clear Legendary during alpha, in a pug. And Legendary makes hard look like easy.
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I think cigarley mentioned something about balance issues with the game.
I kinda noticed a few, and what the hell is up with the enemies fire being able to follow you anywhere, while your weapon can't do the same.
I think cigarley mentioned something about balance issues with the game.
I kinda noticed a few, and what the hell is up with the enemies fire being able to follow you anywhere, while your weapon can't do the same.
Maybe they have a better weapon that we will get later in the game?
I do wonder how they blatantly took so much of Star Wars and haven't been sued Lindsay Lohan style. Aside from that, the game is ok. Reminds me of Borderlands but better and it is def. more fun playing with friends over going solo.

However, I am not in love with it as much as a lot of other people I have talked to and I don't see it as a GOTY contender yet.. of course, this is just the beta but still.
I do wonder how they blatantly took so much of Star Wars and haven't been sued Lindsay Lohan style. Aside from that, the game is ok. Reminds me of Borderlands but better and it is def. more fun playing with friends over going solo.

However, I am not in love with it as much as a lot of other people I have talked to and I don't see it as a GOTY contender yet.. of course, this is just the beta but still.
What major similarities are you seeing to Star Wars?
Were you guys hitting the week spots (legs) and burning the core when it showed? It should not take anywhere near that long, it only took me a little over an hour to clear Legendary during alpha, in a pug. And Legendary makes hard look like easy.

I noticed the legs were doing more damage, but I didn't pick up on the core thing. Thanks for the tip
I`m enjoying what I`ve seen so far. I`m impressed with how polished and complete this game feels for it being a beta (I think it`s more polished than most Bethasda games release).

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