Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

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Pretty sure you need someone in there to suck... well I'm your man get me in and i'll make everyone else on this forum look good. So let me be the first to go in with that sticky grenade stuck to my back!
Pretty sure you need someone in there to suck... well I'm your man get me in and i'll make everyone else on this forum look good. So let me be the first to go in with that sticky grenade stuck to my back!

We always need good suckers... oh wait, that sounded bad!
This is the game I've been waiting for to play for next gen gaming! I need to play this beta to prepare myself for this amazing game, I would b forever thankful if I get a beta code!
Hello Gents! Hoping to get a beta code for Destiny. Thanks and more power to the
I just made this account. I've followed PSLS for a couple of years now. I've participated in almost all of your giveaways and never had the luck to win anything. I would love to try out the beta.
I've been following this post and your twitter account since morning (GMT+1) , updating my browser every few minutes hoping to get a Message too, I would make some air jumps :rolleyes::D
My F5 button is dead already, yet no code. Transferring to mouse and clicking refresh, little more work but its worth it! ;) Want the beta so bad.
Huge fan of bungie..anxious to see how they do with a non halo game..destiny has the potential to be game of the year, I must check it out..Also I'm a guardian from a previous life
For anyone thinking of accepting a code and then disappearing from the forums, I would think twice about it. Unless you want this to happen to you!

Unfortunately i wasn’t able to participate in the destiny alpha because of hectic school exams. However now they are finally over I’ve really been looking forward to trying out this game since i have been following it since its reveal last February. I would really appreciate the opportunity to be one of the first gamers to try out one of the best games of this new generation. Thankyou :)
For anyone thinking of accepting a code and then disappearing from the forums, I would think twice about it. Unless you want this to happen to you!

No way, I dig it here. Glad I found it regardless of what happens or wouldn't have thrown my cheesy avatar into my profile, lol. Thanks for having me ;)
Hahaha! That image cracked me up! And yeah, stay for the discussion and we'll be doing more community-related events and such soon. =) I think you people will like it. ;)
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