Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

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Hello, I'm here on behalf of NAFA (Not A Fake Agency), we are a special service agency whose sole purpose is to deal with extraterrestrial life that may endanger the human species. We believe that providing us with a Destiny Beta Code is beneficial for mankind as a whole because it greatly benefits our research. It will give us in-depth knowledge on many vital topics such as: space weaponry, alien life, super powers, and sometimes our workers get bored. We believe that we deserve the beta code because getting it as fast as possible is vital to mankind's survival. Alien space demons can come to our planet at any time and threaten our very existence. We wouldn't want to be ill-prepared against alien space demons just because Playstation Lifestyle wasn't able to give NAFA a Destiny Beta code to stop the oncoming onslaught, now would we? That would be very unfortunate. We would like to avoid such a crisis from occurring and as such would be very pleased to receive a beta code for the betterment of mankind. Also we would be happy if you kept our existence a secret, we're not supposed to exist to the public yet.
Having bought a ps4 I have not found any games that has me wanting to put my ps3 away, I'm curious if Destiny will be that game. So if you can find it in your hearts, please give me a Destiny beta code to try it out?
Hey PSLS, I remembered my first time watching gameplay footage of Bungie and I was immediately sold to the idea of jumping and shooting aliens with guns, not forgetting the ability to use the 'force' on your enemies. I've always been a fan of RPGs and FPSs and Destiny seems to be a game that combines elements from both of these genres brilliantly. I would love to be able to get access to the game early and spend countless hours on the beta and the game itself.
We'll be giving a ton of Destiny beta codes exclusively in the forums! Just post a message saying why you want it, and why you deserve to get one.

Oh, man. I don't have a great story for you, but as a fan of Bungie, I can tell you that this is my most anticipated game for the PS4. I just migrated from the Xbox 360 to a PlayStation 4 a few months ago and I'm just thankful that my move coincides with the developers of Halo. Even though I'm Japanese, this is the first time for me to own a Sony console, so it's a sweet marriage between old (Halo) and new (PlayStation). I would love to play Destiny during its beta stage!

PS, I've been a lurker of these forums ever since I picked up a PS4. I've kept it relegated to my RSS feeds for the past few months, but I just had to register a new account to see if I could get into your good graces on this beta giveaway :)

I would love a beta code because I tried the ALPHA version very last minute and loved it so would love to try the BETA as well.

Hey, I am a huge RPG and FPS fan and loved the ALPHA. I would some much like to play the BETA also. Thank You PlayStationLifeStyle!
Hello, PlayStation LifeStylers!

As a thank you to our loyal forum dwellers, we'll be giving a ton of Destiny beta codes exclusively in the forums! Just post a message saying why you want it, and why you deserve to get one. Best responses will get a code via PM -- it's as simple as that. Once our supply runs out, we'll let you know. So get crackin'!

Instructions on how to redeem:

  • Go to and follow the instructions. You must have a valid account, so if you do not already have an account, you must create one
  • After you create or sign-in to your account, you will be asked to verify your email address before entering your 9 digit Destiny Beta code
  • Once you have redeemed your Beta code, your account will be approved for Beta access
  • Starting July 10, you must visit your account profile page on to select the platform of your choice
  • Shortly before the Beta begins for the platform of your choice (July 17 for PlayStation systems; July 23 for Xbox systems), Bungie will email you your Destiny Beta code – your Destiny Beta code will also be visible via your Account Profile/Redeemed Codes page, secured behind your login credentials
First, thanks for the opportunity to get into the beta. I would like to be a part of the Destiny beta because I haven't seen a game this detailed in quite some time. It looks like Bungie really took the time to properly integrate a single player/multiply player experience that is unqiue and fulfilling.

I would like to help Bungie improve this game in any way possible and one of the best ways to do so is to actually play the game before it is officially released. If I get accepted into the beta, it will allow me to provide them valuable feedback.
Simply put, i never played the Alpha and i would like to get a taste of the game before i buy it. This can save me money and i would seriously love a code :D Have never created an account on here but have followed you actively on Twitter. I can imagine though, Destiny will be terrific xD
I would like a Beta key as missed the Alpha and want to try the game before I pre order (sitting on the fence at the moment)
-Destiny is the game I've dreamed of for years. I want Destiny to be the very first game that is played on my PS4 when I purchase the system next week. I just pre-ordered Destiny Ghost edition and was saddened that I didn't receive a beta code so this would be my chance to experience greatness.
-I feel like I deserve it because I am a gamer with dreams, dreams that is finally becoming materialized with Destiny. Playstation and Gaming is my lifestyle and I want Destiny to be the first next-gen game to pull those two together closer than ever and create fond memories for many years to come. Greatness Awaits!
Would like a beta code to give this game a second try since I wasn't that impressed with the alpha (mmo aspects felt tacked on) and am on the fence about purchasing this game.
When the alpha ended a piece of me died inside. Then they opened it back up for hardcore and I was soooo happy until I was playing and it ended again during my game... Please playstation lifestyle you're my only hope.
Would love a beta code. Wasn't able to get into Alpha as I was away during that weekend so would really like to try the beta.
I like this game and i hope to try this beta :) on my PS4. I don't have a chance to try the alfa :( .
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