Cosmos just blew my mind


PSLS Level: Bronze
Great pilot episode, it gave an abstract view of the universe and a timeline that everyone could easily understand.
Just a bit of a reminder, the show is primarily aimed at kids (and some nostalgia laden adults). A lot of the information is very basic, though it does take a couple stabs towards some more complex thoughts. Also the CG... it's passable. If you're deeply religious... well, there's some vicious jabs there as well.
Just a bit of a reminder, the show is primarily aimed at kids (and some nostalgia laden adults). A lot of the information is very basic, though it does take a couple stabs towards some more complex thoughts. Also the CG... it's passable. If you're deeply religious... well, there's some vicious jabs there as well.
Though, while aimed at kids, I'm pretty sure many adults never learned half of the stuff mentioned. And while they did cast a nasty light on the Roman Catholic Church, it was so much worse than they described. Those torture devices and stuff were definitely real... I had zero issues with the show. I think it lands exactly where Fox's Sunday Night crowd usually is (which is the leading time block).
I've known most of this as it was discovered. Big into science. Especially geology and astrophysics. Cosmos is definitely fantastic. Aimed at children or not, this stuff isn't common knowledge. Even though it should be. And Neil is a perfect host.

You should check out Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, The Universe, and Stephen Hawking's Into the Universe (may be a different title). How the Universe Works is also a good show. I really dig my Science and H2 channels.

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