COD Advanced Warfare I play demo


PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
So yesterday at Arcadia 2014 ( an expo done on my country PR) had the COD AW mp demo for all to enjoy. They had a lot of tv with PS4s. I got to try the game with my friend and I have to say that the game is not bad. I actually enjoyed it and felt different. The loadout, settings and all that are pretty much the same but thats good in some way because it will be familiar. The jumping system is not bad and doesnt feel forced on you because you can pretty much keep playing like older COD tittles or you can take advantage of using your new futuristic gadgets. The game at least for me did not feel like a Titanfall ripoff to 100% like some say it is. It does look like that when you are not playing it but when you actually play it you can feel the differences ( that is if you actually have played Titanfall at least once or twice).

The game doesnt look mind-blowing, eye melting in terms of graphics but it does look good and the TV that I played in was one of the smaller older ones and playing split screen against my friend did not help but it did look good but not Killzone Shadow Fall good ( again this is on terms of graphics). GOTY material? No.... Overhyped? Maybe but in less than a day we can find out the right answer. Does it look more interesting than other 2015 games, like lets say Destiny? Yes and by a lot. This game is hopefully decent or better than decent and not a legal wallet robbery like Destiny was at least for me and others too.

Do I think the game can hold you on MP for months? Like I always say COD is much much better with friends for multiple reasons like you can make better tactics ( I think on this game tactics will be made because is not 100% mindless). I think the game can provide a lot of fun but only if you can get past the hate for previous COD games that you have or have been taught by the community. Again I am not saying that the game is the best MP experience but its worth a shot at least because of the changes in gameplay. Single Player was not available but from what we already know it should not be that bad like previous ones like lets say MW3 for the most part of it and maybe BO2. ( My opinions).

Im giving this game a chance starting today at midnight. Maybe Im wrong about thinking that COD can be a good game again but there is another 50% chance that this game will be good. I dont know and you dont know. Only time will decide and not reviewers or COD hating.

PS. I am not a COD fan. Im just trying to be objective and trying to see the bigger picture about this game and this game alone. Again maybe not GOTY and multiple awards material but it sure looks better than Destiny and its diabolical gameplay.
Yeah I guess. It happens. We have to say thank you to all the bad COD games from previous years like GHosts for example. Not that AW is perfect because is totally not but its better than the other COD.
At the Arcadia 2014 expo, I got a chance to try out the COD AW multiplayer demo, and despite its non-groundbreaking graphics, the gameplay offered a fresh experience. It strikes a familiar chord with the same loadout and settings, yet the new jumping system and futuristic gadgets add a novel twist without feeling forced. This game contrasts sharply with others like Destiny, appearing more engaging. As someone who enjoys immersive worlds like World of Warcraft, especially with the new Classic Cataclysm coming up and services like WoW Cataclysm Boosting from wowvendor enhancing the experience, it’s refreshing to see a game try to balance novelty with familiarity. Maybe it’s not the top game of the year, but it’s definitely worth giving a shot.

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