Bloodborne. You buying?


PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
Are you waiting to play this game?? Comment below so we can make it a thread to discuss about this awesome game. At least I see it that way. That dark souls feeling never gets old.
It's literally the reason I got a PS4. I got the LE preordered and I'm contemplating using a vacation day or two so that I can play it non-stop when it first launches.
I plan to buy it, even though i never got far into most of the Dark Souls and Demon Souls games.. i suck at things that are difficult!
They are difficult but man they are so satisfying.
I will buy it.

I said I wasn't going to buy Dark Souls, then the price dropped and I got it. Never played it gave it to a friend for Christmas but I"m getting it.

Just like I"ll get Dark Souls 2 on PS4 (which is why I gave away Dark Souls 2)

I platinumed Demon's Souls in 1 month. It's hard to play these games with a wife since you can't really pause and... well once the nagging starts... You're dead.
I usually dont pre-order games but I will make a rare exception with this one. Demons souls was one of the most amazing and immersive gaming experiences I've ever had and I'm hoping that Bloodborne has a little of that (twisted) magic.
Dark Souls 2 is the other one I will buy. Also for me Dying Light looks worth buying or at least a try.
Is this game going to play like TLoU: remastered but obvioulsy themed differently?

It's not really TLoU. It's a game where dying doesn't restart you, dying punishes you, and it compels you to get back to where you were. These games are about sort of playing by the game's rules. It's about mastering enemies, and their patterns, trying not to get a whole group of werewolves chewing your face off... FROM Software's games are less about story and more about atmosphere. You're always looking for exploits, trying new things, getting lost feeling despair. XD

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