Battlefield Hardline is Solid

I forgot to turn my PS4 on standby before work, so I got home and had to wait for the download. Needless to say, I fell asleep on the couch.

One of my friends said that same thing. He said it would be a game that I would enjoy, so hopefully I can still access when I get home this time. :D

Fortunately for you, they've extended it!
Give your feedback to Visceral about the game! In an interview with them (coming soon to the site), they are constantly looking to tweak and change things, so give them as much feedback as you can.
Give your feedback to Visceral about the game! In an interview with them (coming soon to the site), they are constantly looking to tweak and change things, so give them as much feedback as you can.

Then I may need to postpone the Destiny Alpha and play some more Hardline! I always report feedback, bugs, glitches, exploits, etc in my testing.
Then I may need to postpone the Destiny Alpha and play some more Hardline! I always report feedback, bugs, glitches, exploits, etc in my testing.
I think the Hardline beta goes for longer than the Destiny Alpha (which was supposed to end today, but has been extended. I would get in time with the Alpha first while you can, and then rock the Hardline Beta for the rest of the month. Or just play whichever you are more in the mood to play.
I got in on both BFH beta and Alpha Destiny. Both are good but I like Destiny a lot more because is something more different and looks way more beautiful because of its graphics. BFH could use a little help EA.
That's because most COD games are just copy and pastes of their predecessors.

I know. Thats why I play them but I dont get all that h***y to play them because they dont impress me anymore. When I played my first COD BO1 I was like oh this is cool and the zombie things where new to me. But then I played MW2, MW1 after and MW3, BO2, World at War and I was like DOESNT THIS EVER CHANGE ??? hahaha.

Even God of War games change in some things and Resident Evil games too ( the latter maybe for the worse).
I know. Thats why I play them but I dont get all that h***y to play them because they dont impress me anymore. When I played my first COD BO1 I was like oh this is cool and the zombie things where new to me. But then I played MW2, MW1 after and MW3, BO2, World at War and I was like DOESNT THIS EVER CHANGE ??? hahaha.

Even God of War games change in some things and Resident Evil games too ( the latter maybe for the worse).

We still need to play re lol
I know how you feel, i keep going back to my sengoku basara games on my jpn acct. they are so addictive.

Hahaha when I learn Japanese then I will make myself one of those accounts. There are so many games Im sure I would like but are only on Japan -.- Hate you America.

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