Atelier Ayesha Plus and Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart coming to the US & EU in 2015


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
Koei Tecmo confirmed on their twitter that they are bringing Atelier Ayesha Plus to the West in January 2015.

Idea Factory International confirms that Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart is coming west in early 2015. The title is a SRPG set in the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise.
Hopefully the game series lends itself better as an SRPG

Better? If Re:Birth1 was any better, my clients would have never seen me again and my girlfriend would have left me.

I'm around 16 hours in and the game is amazing, my favorite game of the year so far.
Better? If Re:Birth1 was any better, my clients would have never seen me again and my girlfriend would have left me.

I'm around 16 hours in and the game is amazing, my favorite game of the year so far.
We must have played very different games.. I think they are the epitome of crap rpgs and are everything that is wrong with my favorite genre.

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