

PSLS Level: Bronze
I'm on a budget and looking at cheap sound bars. Does anyone have an opinion on the Playstation sound bar?
I personally don't know anything about the PlayStation Sound Bar, so I can't help you there. But, I can say that nothing beats a good headset. So, that might also be something to think about if you are just looking for audio solutions.
I remember the PlayStation sound bar got great reviews, but they quit making it for some reason. I never got to see one in person. Aren't they really hard to find now?
But, I can say that nothing beats a good headset. So, that might also be something to think about if you are just looking for audio solutions.
I do have the original pulse headset but I have 2 problems with it.
1) my 2 year old lost the USB dongle for it
2) I'll be able to hear my kids better with the sound bar instead of a headset
I remember the PlayStation sound bar got great reviews, but they quit making it for some reason. I never got to see one in person. Aren't they really hard to find now?
I have seen them used.
I love the accessories that Sony brands as playstation so I thought the sound bar would be a good option. I'm also brand loyal so I'm looking at playstation/Sony first
I have the 24" 3d display as my computer monitor and I love it
I do have the original pulse headset but I have 2 problems with it.
1) my 2 year old lost the USB dongle for it
2) I'll be able to hear my kids better with the sound bar instead of a headset
Yeah, with kids it might be better to have something that will allow you to hear them as well.
Yeah, with kids it might be better to have something that will allow you to hear them as well.
Although the headset was nice when my youngest had a dirty diaper and my wife asked me to change him I could pretend I didn't hear her...that only worked once or twice but it was awesome while it did
I had bought a sound bar for my gf a few months ago, Yamaha, can't remember the model. Got it off Amazon during a deal of the day, only cost $150 and it sounds great.

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