Search results

  1. SightfulRage

    Morning Wood Ep. 060: Octochan (Nobody Suspects a Thing)!

    Animorphs @D'yani was pretty spot on with your animorph representation @Chandler Wood. Your slender frame leads to a smaller bodied animal like a pom, bird or snake. I don't think you have the type of personality that would fit a snake but I could definitely see a bird. Octodad Coop To be...
  2. SightfulRage

    Ps4 Co-op Thread

    Post your PSN ID here if you'd like to co-op various PS4 games with other PSLS members. I'll try to keep up to date with games and users as they come up. If I'm missing any games or you can think of a better way to format the listing, let me know. I'm not a fan of the setup but I've hit a road...
  3. SightfulRage

    Morning Wood Ep. 056: The Last of Us and a Pirate Cat

    Bah... I was going to post my comments in Disqus but since I was told to not be boring I'll just leave this here. I don't like cats but I feel this cameo is going to lead to great things for Morgan. For a while, I constantly passed on indie games. Mainly because the games I had the misfortune...
  4. SightfulRage

    Going above and beyond for games

    So today, I went a little out of the way to get a game. Watching Chandler's stream of MGS:GZ last Thursday and hearing about the story throughout the stream got me itchin' to get back into the series. The only issue was that the best fit for me, The Legacy Collection, was apparently a limited...
  5. SightfulRage

    Your favorite Final Fantasy game

    Come one, Come all. To the continuation of the "Best Final Fantasy game" discussion that hijacked the All-time favorite game thread. All opinions are welcomed.
  6. SightfulRage

    Second Son question.

    Trying to figure out how to word this without giving away spoilers is kind of throwing me off. But with Sucker Punch stating that their change of direction in lead characters was due to the fact that gamers "chose" this route via their trophy progress from inFAMOUS 2, knowing what you know now...
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