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  1. topes

    Sign Up To Test The New PSLS App

    If you still need more testers I'm game! Android - [email protected]
  2. topes

    So my PS4 won't wake up from "Rest Mode" post 2.0

    Sony finally acknowledged the issue today, & said they're working on an update.
  3. topes

    Free PS4 Fluster Cluck code, first come first served.

    No prob, hope you enjoy it!
  4. topes

    Evolve Alpha

    The Big Alpha won't be taking place on PS4 now, so it doesn't really matter anymore...
  5. topes

    Free PS4 Fluster Cluck code, first come first served.

    I don't want it, hope someone else will enjoy it. Just add me on PSN: topes521. Looking to beef up my friends list as I start doing some broadcasting/let's play/other misc. video on Twitch/YouTube. Thanks in advance. Hello Greg, You have been selected as a winner of our Fluster Cluck...
  6. topes

    So my PS4 won't wake up from "Rest Mode" post 2.0

    Sony fed me the same BS as well. First it was rebuild the DB. Then reinstall the update in safe mode. Now they're saying factory reset. Nope, not gonna do that. Sony just needs to find the true fix. I'm not starting over, & I'm not going to "power off" either, as I use Remote Play and every...
  7. topes

    2.0 Playstation 4 Update dropping as I type!

    But their themes already make it difficult to see text/icons. I like that white one with the rectangles, but at times it's hard to see text while using it
  8. topes

    Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel issues

    So I'm sitting here, playing this, and now I'm sad. I knew that I'd play it, my first PS3 only game since PS4. I was sort of looking forward to it. But now that it's here, I'm playing & I'm sad. I knew that I've been spoiled with my PS4 for a year, that my own expectations of it might be too...
  9. topes

    Signature Of The Month Competition

    Yeah, so, I just usually use cursive...
  10. topes

    PSLS Trivia Competition - Round 1

    Well that was quick...
  11. topes

    Name That Game Competition - $20 PSN Card Prize

    I honestly have an idea, but I think I can wait out a few days to make sure I'm right...
  12. topes


    Hi, I'm Greg, & I'm an alcoholic...oh wait, wrong forum. So forums are back, eh? Sounds good to me!
  13. topes

    PSN MVP: topes521

    PSN MVP: topes521
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