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  1. Stewey

    Xbox One Impressions

    I currently own a PS4 and have been considering picking up an Xbox One as well within the next couple months. Specifically the white Sunset Overdrive bundle that releases in October. I was just wondering who here owns a One and what their impressions of the console have been so far.
  2. Stewey

    Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

    Thanks again for the opportunity to win a beta code for Destiny. I've always been an avid gamer and in particular am quite fond of RPG's and FPS's, and PSLS most of all. I've been following PS news on this site since the early days. Anyways, as for why I want the code, the reason is simple...
  3. Stewey

    Games You Haven't Finished?

    The amount of games that are on my "intended to Platinum" list are just ridiculous. GTA V, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, along with many others. I'm hoping to cut down on my backlog within the next couple months of summer vacation, but we'll see how it goes. It seems like everytime I get...
  4. Stewey

    Thoughts On The Game?

    Although the game is not groundbreaking like I had hopes for, I am thoroughly enjoying the experience so far. I've been doing more side quests than main missions thus far, and it's been a blast! I even am not really annoyed by the multiplayer aspect of it, yet, and that is a big thing for me...
  5. Stewey

    What Are You Up To?

    I'm just finishing up the last bit of homework that I have left for the semester. One more week and I should start to be able to indulge myself in some of the gaming that I haven't had time for!
  6. Stewey

    Where do you live?

    I'm from a small town in the western part of MD. Hopefully soon though I'll be getting the hell out of here and moving someplace interesting.
  7. Stewey

    How many Consoles and handhelds do you have?

    My consoles: Atari NES SNES Genesis N64 PS1 PS2 Saturn Xbox 1 Xbox 360 PS3 Phat PS3 Slim PS4 Handhelds: Gameboy Gameboy Advance Game Gear PSP 1000 Vita
  8. Stewey

    Hi I'm new

    Welcome to the forums! Glad to have you here.
  9. Stewey

    Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Good to know. I started watching this when it premiered but lost interest in it a couple weeks in. I'm gonna have to give it another go.
  10. Stewey

    The Official Post Your PSN ID Thread

    srewbacca...drunk, young. Lol but anyways, feel free to add me!
  11. Stewey

    Just joined

    Welcome to the forums! We're all glad to have you here!
  12. Stewey

    PSLS Ambassador Program

    Congrats @Arthur Sataine and @stolenxnametag !
  13. Stewey

    Hello PSLS friends.

    Welcome to the forums.!
  14. Stewey

    What Are You Up To?

    Currently working on a Jave program to do all 4 operations on a finite field and pulling my hair out from frustration.
  15. Stewey

    You know what? I want a Wii U

    I haven't owned an Nintendo console since the SNES. I've been interested in pickiing up a Wii U myself lately and would like to know what people think.
  16. Stewey

    GTA 5 iFruit app now available for PS VITA

    This is definitely a good thing. It just seems to be arriving very late to the game.
  17. Stewey

    GTA 5 iFruit app now available for PS VITA

    I agree 100%. While I do understand the rehashing of certain PS3 hits to an extent, part of me feels like its just a cash grab and laziness on the developers side. I have no desire to rebuy games that I've already beaten or played just for some DLC or prettier graphics.
  18. Stewey

    Thoughts On The Forums

    I'm really enjoying the new forums. It's nice to have a place to communicate with gamers and it provides more of a sense of a community than the regular site did imo.
  19. Stewey

    'ello, 'ello.

    Welcome to the forums! Glad to have you here!
  20. Stewey

    PSLS Ambassador Program

    Congrats @darkforcegod! That's pretty awesome!
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