Who IS the Arkham Knight?

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
Dan's Arkham Knight preview introduces us briefly to the new character of the Arkham Knight in the upcoming Batman game. So just who is the mysterious Arkham Knight? Rocksteady says that it is a completely new character made for this game, but I have a feeling that his (or her?) origins and true nature lie more deeply rooted in the Batman mythos.

So here is your open forum to discuss all of your wild theories about who Arkham Knight is!
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How crazy would it be if your Batman wasn't Batman at all, and the Arkham Knight is actually Bruce Wayne?!?
That would be awesome. But then who could be Bats? Certainly not Dick, Damien, Jason, or any of the other apprentices.
Well someone mentioned a crazy, near impossible theory (which would be awesome if so), that the batman that you are playing as is somehow actually Joker in disguise, and Arkham Knight trying to take him down is the real Batman somehow. One could only hope for something so crazy, but can you imagine getting to the point at which that is revealed in the story?!
I saw an interesting theory about this earlier this week that the Knight is... Bruce Wayne, but not the real Bruce Wayne but rather Hush. Kinda made sense, what better way to imitate Bruce Wayne than to also become a Batman lookalike? Or it could be reversed and you are Hush.
Honestly, I would be disappointed if Arkham Knight was just another cannon character in a mask. Talking to the people at Rocksteady, they were really excited about being able to create a new character for the franchise, and it just being a re-branded villain would just feel anti-climactic.
Honestly, I would be disappointed if Arkham Knight was just another cannon character in a mask. Talking to the people at Rocksteady, they were really excited about being able to create a new character for the franchise, and it just being a re-branded villain would just feel anti-climactic.
If they were excited about making a new character completely I highly doubt it's just one of the regular villains then.
Honestly, I would be disappointed if Arkham Knight was just another cannon character in a mask. Talking to the people at Rocksteady, they were really excited about being able to create a new character for the franchise, and it just being a re-branded villain would just feel anti-climactic.
Well even if he/she is an entirely new character not familiar to the canon, how do you think they will tie his/her backstory in? Will they be related to one of the other villains in some way? Related to the heroes?
Well someone mentioned a crazy, near impossible theory (which would be awesome if so), that the batman that you are playing as is somehow actually Joker in disguise, and Arkham Knight trying to take him down is the real Batman somehow. One could only hope for something so crazy, but can you imagine getting to the point at which that is revealed in the story?!
If this was true, then this would be the first Batman title that I've played since Batman Forever on Sega Genesis.
I am on the edge of whether or not I will buy this one. ALl depends on the execution of Arkham Knight's character.

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