PlayStation Gold Headset Companion App

Arthur Sataine

PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
Alright, I made this to ask a question really. And, honestly, I didn't check around the forums to see if this topic exists already. Feel free to delete this if one does.

I have the companion app on the PS4. However, I go to get game specific profiles and I see none! Where in the hell do we find these? I go into the thing and choose the Gold headset. I look over under the Games category and only see Shooter, Fighting, and Custom 1. I'm wanting my Second Son setup for midnight. Where is it at? And for that matter, where are all the other game specific profiles?
Alright, I made this to ask a question really. And, honestly, I didn't check around the forums to see if this topic exists already. Feel free to delete this if one does.

I have the companion app on the PS4. However, I go to get game specific profiles and I see none! Where in the hell do we find these? I go into the thing and choose the Gold headset. I look over under the Games category and only see Shooter, Fighting, and Custom 1. I'm wanting my Second Son setup for midnight. Where is it at? And for that matter, where are all the other game specific profiles?
I would think it would come at a later time with an update.
It'd be cool if the sound profile synced with the app some how and was on the game disc itself.

In Second Son's settings there is an audio setting for PS4 Gold Wireless Headset. And I did notice this morning that the app has the profile on there now. Going to be awesome to experience tonight when I become Delsin Rowe.

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