Natural Doctrine


Staff member
So I was just browsing Playasia to see if there was anything I wanted to import when I came across this game. I honestly don't remember seeing anything about it before but now that I have, I want this to come West so badly. It releases on April 3rd in Japan for the PS4, PS3, and Vita. However I mainly want it on the PS4 :)

All you need to know is what I just read on the description.
The title screenshots evokes comparisons to Valkryia Chronicles, sharing many gameplay similarities.





I never go to play asia, I ordered something from there once, never got it. had to call my credit card company cuz I was charged anyways, turns out play asia had been red flagged DOZENS of times.
so I go to CD Japan instead, they are a lot cheaper in my experience with them. I get all my imports from there. you should check them out. you can get vita memory cards from there REALLY CHEAP and I mean the ones with a lot of memory on them.
I'll look forward to that. His reviews always make me laugh. :-D
Gah, I don't know if there's gonna be anything funny to say about this one.

It's not been horrible, but it hasn't hit my expectations. I keep trying to write about it and I feel all deflated, flat and sad. I have fun writing the reviews of really bad games and really good games, but these ones in the dead center of Averageville, I never know what to say.
Gah, I don't know if there's gonna be anything funny to say about this one.

It's not been horrible, but it hasn't hit my expectations. I keep trying to write about it and I feel all deflated, flat and sad. I have fun writing the reviews of really bad games and really good games, but these ones in the dead center of Averageville, I never know what to say.
Compare it to something equally as mediocre and... not surprising.
Did you get it on multiple systems or just one?
I only played it on PS4.
Localized version coming to NA on Sep 23rd. I love some turn-based strategy, so I am quite interested.

P.S. How's the co-op?

The version I have is localized ;)

So far the game is just kind of there. It is overly confusing where it doesn't need to be and then completely vague where it should be a bit more in depth. I have only battled maybe 5 times so far, so hopefully things will get a bit smoother going forward.

Have not tried any co-op feature yet.. just some single player.
The version I have is localized ;)

So far the game is just kind of there. It is overly confusing where it doesn't need to be and then completely vague where it should be a bit more in depth. I have only battled maybe 5 times so far, so hopefully things will get a bit smoother going forward.

Have not tried any co-op feature yet.. just some single player.
Send me one of your copies so we can try that co-op! :D
Cancel that. After watching that archived livestream, that game seems wrong for me. I shouldn't have let the trailers fool me.

As gamers we should always remember:

1. Looks are deceiving
2. Never buy a game based on a critics review or star rating.
3. Commercials are only trustworthy to an extent
4. Demos don't always do the actual final version of the game justice
5. Don't get sucked into the hype

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