Should South Park: The Stick of Truth Get a Story DLC... why or why not?


PSLS Level: Bronze
South Park is an awesome game, but we all know that games today almost always gets post-game DLC. So should it get a story DLC or should it be left as it is.
It needs a sequel. I really like this game, but I really think they need to build on it's foundation in a way that DLC just would not do. A few more quests, or side quests with more random gear and such really will not elevate this game any further than it is. We need a solid sequel. Unfortunately, I REALLY doubt that will ever happen.
I wouldn't go for any dlc on this game, south park games for me were always fun but after the first's like "meh, I think i'll pass, jokes over"
Absolutely, I think there is still a ton of things that they could add on to it. Maybe even a Christmas special, since that part of the show seems relatively untouched for the most part. But, a sequel would be fantastic.
Is the game co-op or just single player? I haven't watched South Park in forever, so I wonder if the game would even be relevant to me.
It is only single player. As for relevancy, some of the characters might be unknown to you, but their backgrounds play little to no role in the story - only some of the inside jokes.
It is only single player. As for relevancy, some of the characters might be unknown to you, but their backgrounds play little to no role in the story - only some of the inside jokes.
But that's the thing. should I catch up on the episodes before playing the game? I want everything to seem relevant, and not finding myself asking questions.
But that's the thing. should I catch up on the episodes before playing the game? I want everything to seem relevant, and not finding myself asking questions.

I'd say depending on how much you have missed, it might not be a bad idea to figure out who some of the new major characters are and some of the story lines. But if you have only missed a season or two, it might not be necessary.
I'd say depending on how much you have missed, it might not be a bad idea to figure out who some of the new major characters are and some of the story lines. But if you have only missed a season or two, it might not be necessary.
No definitely more than 2 seasons. It's been a while since I've watched South Park.
Will do. No sense in me wasting time with the game if I don't understand half of what is going on lol.
My guess is that the last delay for that game was based on a new concept they introduced at the end of the past season back in November. I recommend at least watching the last half of the latest season.
I'm just going to say it - there is NOTHING that could prepare me for some of the hilariously profane and degrading awesomeness that came from that game. NOTHING. I played it with my wife (she bought it for herself, and she's not really an RPG person), and it was so fun that I'm going through with it and considering getting a platinum on it. The game wasn't without a problem or two, but the humor definitely quadruply overcompensated for any qualms that I might have had for a minute.
I'm just going to say it - there is NOTHING that could prepare me for some of the hilariously profane and degrading awesomeness that came from that game. NOTHING. I played it with my wife (she bought it for herself, and she's not really an RPG person), and it was so fun that I'm going through with it and considering getting a platinum on it. The game wasn't without a problem or two, but the humor definitely quadruply overcompensated for any qualms that I might have had for a minute.
*goes to watch the show so I can play the hilarious game*

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