PlayStation Now Already Happening?


PSLS Level: Silver
Looks as if the PlayStation Now service will feature several options when renting your games, 1, 7, 30 day rental options. The article was just posted on the front end of the site. I actually like that they are giving us options on the duration of how long we want a game to be rented for. What do you think of it? What prices would you like to see?

Hmm, this is interesting, I'd definitely be into it. Pricing would need to be competitive with gamefly, so less than $17 for a month.
Hmm, this is interesting, I'd definitely be into it. Pricing would need to be competitive with gamefly, so less than $17 for a month.
It'd have to be cheaper than that. at least 2 games at a time as many games a month for $17 a month has to be a baseline. Maybe $9-10 a month for 1 game at a time.

Unless it's an all you can eat buffet. Then some backlogs are going to go KABOOM!

It has to be more competitive than gamefly I say.

Then I realize that it's not designed for hardcore gamers. It's for people with Apple T.V.s

Time to rescind my argument.

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