Platinum THIS!

Just got Platinum Number 20.

Final Fantasy XIV
Dying Light Platinum trophy is mine! I didn't have any rumored glitches btw :) Currently working on Borderlands TPS and Saint's Row GOoH
Dying Light Platinum trophy is mine! I didn't have any rumored glitches btw :) Currently working on Borderlands TPS and Saint's Row GOoH

Was Dying Light a tough/tedious platinum?

I just got SR Gat OoH so let us know how that one goes. If it's easy, I'll go for it too lol
I'm impressed. Still slowly working on my own plat. I need to at least finish binding coil before the xpac launches.
Binding coil isn't bad. You can run through the first 4 almost no issue with Poetics gear or even World of Darkness Gear. Spend your poetics on a weapon, do the weekly to get your Encrypted Tomestone from teh weekly quest in Mor Dhona, etc...

After the expansion though the content will be even easier. I did the raid about 7 months ago. It wasn't even that bad back then. The ONLY hard one is Turn 5.
Was Dying Light a tough/tedious platinum?

I just got SR Gat OoH so let us know how that one goes. If it's easy, I'll go for it too lol

I loved Dying Light, and I think it was a normal platinum, the trophies weren't hard, but there are some terribly annoying ones like where you have to kill Rais's men and where you have to kick 100 zombies off of rooftops/cliffs/bridges. But it was extremely fun to play and recently they added some new trophies with the DLCs :)
That's awesome! I want that platinum so bad! I remember how rewarding it was, from a narrative standpoint, to go back and get the Heavy Rain platinum but I bet Until Dawn's is even more fulfilling. Congrats!


There will be re-release Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls for PS4.

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