Who's Getting Dark Souls II?

I want Dark Souls 2 so badly. Want it extremely badly. I'm gonna hold my breath and cross my fingers that it's coming out for the PS4 eventually, and I'm going to wait for that. *shivers* OMG so epic!
I want Dark Souls 2 so badly. Want it extremely badly. I'm gonna hold my breath and cross my fingers that it's coming out for the PS4 eventually, and I'm going to wait for that. *shivers* OMG so epic!
Is there anything to support that it will be coming to the PS4?
Preordered the LE, and I have the day off from work. I'm assuming there will be a midnight release because CODfall comes out on the same day
I pre-ordered Dark Souls 2 for a dollar. Might just go pick it up at Gamestop instead though for the metal case... Grr... I hate how much I love this series.
I pre-ordered Dark Souls 2 for a dollar. Might just go pick it up at Gamestop instead though for the metal case... Grr... I hate how much I love this series.
Just get it bro. You love the series. I remember how much you loved Demon's Souls, as well as the first Dark Souls. :)
Just get it bro. You love the series. I remember how much you loved Demon's Souls, as well as the first Dark Souls. :)
I platinumed the fuck out of Demon Souls. Got it in the first month.

Dark Souls I have yet to beat. I used an exploit to get a bunch of Souls, and I got lost, and now I'm scared shitless to lose them all! I worked so hard for it too!
I platinumed the fuck out of Demon Souls. Got it in the first month.

Dark Souls I have yet to beat. I used an exploit to get a bunch of Souls, and I got lost, and now I'm scared shitless to lose them all! I worked so hard for it too!
Did they already patch the exploit?

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