

PSLS Level: Silver
This is above my head, but will this likely help with performance with future games? If you notice that DirectX12 seems to be headed to the Xbox One, the logo is now featured HERE.
This is above my head, but will this likely help with performance with future games? If you notice that DirectX12 seems to be headed to the Xbox One, the logo is now featured HERE.

in all honesty I don't even know what directx12 is

but seeing as how Microsoft isn't exactly the most trustworthy company, I doubt it would help them.
in all honesty I don't even know what directx12 is

but seeing as how Microsoft isn't exactly the most trustworthy company, I doubt it would help them.
Well I have heard of it in games for the PC. So I'm guessing maybe it has to do with graphics? Idk.
Don't know much about this either, I just know this is one of the reasons Xbox was preferred last gen since DirectX is a widely used API.

But it seems like they're doing this to help push the Xbox's popularity than for its uses on PCs, judging by the fact that they made the background to that announcement green.
This is above my head, but will this likely help with performance with future games? If you notice that DirectX12 seems to be headed to the Xbox One, the logo is now featured HERE.
On that page, it appears that they have some big announcements with a big chipmakers. Perhaps they'll be allowing shared APIs between smartphones, tablets, laptops, and Xbox One? This could be their answer to PS Now / PSN games shared between platforms - Xbox Cross-Buy.
On that page, it appears that they have some big announcements with a big chipmakers. Perhaps they'll be allowing shared APIs between smartphones, tablets, laptops, and Xbox One? This could be their answer to PS Now / PSN games shared between platforms - Xbox Cross-Buy.
Xbox Cross Buy would certainly help considering that PlayStation definitely has the upper hand on that right now.
Xbox Cross Buy would certainly help considering that PlayStation definitely has the upper hand on that right now.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon and Nvidia logos are what leads me to believe that this would be a possibility. As far as I know, DirectX is a shared bunch of APIs that are supported only by Windows platforms. If Microsoft were to add more cross-compatibility between all Windows platforms, mobiles and Xbox included, then we may be seeing some cross-platform local renders (like how PS Minis are for PlayStation devices) that would allow for a pretty sweet bonus for the Live store. For people like me who primarily use Windows only on my laptop for school work and such (and Unix-based OS types for everything else), this benefit would likely entice more users to pick up new hardware.

Another likely possibility is that Microsoft is going to announce Threshold / Windows 9 as the platform that does everything.
Xbox Cross Buy would certainly help considering that PlayStation definitely has the upper hand on that right now.

I wonder if they'll call it "Xbox One-Buy" to keep it in line with the Xbox One and their newly dubbed "OneDrive" replacing SkyDrive.

Another likely possibility is that Microsoft is going to announce Threshold / Windows 9 as the platform that does everything.

I would completely expect them to call that "Windows One"
Not even a joke
I wonder if they'll call it "Xbox One-Buy" to keep it in line with the Xbox One and their newly dubbed "OneDrive" replacing SkyDrive.

I would completely expect them to call that "Windows One"
Not even a joke
Sony should make some sort of One product - I mean, Kaz Hirai started preaching about "One Sony" as soon as he took the chief executive position at Sony in 2012. When MS announced that their new console would be the Xbox One, I thought that was somebody trolling. Seriously.
I wonder if they'll call it "Xbox One-Buy" to keep it in line with the Xbox One and their newly dubbed "OneDrive" replacing SkyDrive.

I would completely expect them to call that "Windows One"
Not even a joke
I didn't even know they switched it to OneDrive. Interesting. This may be the route they are taking. Make everything compatible with one another.
I didn't even know they switched it to OneDrive. Interesting. This may be the route they are taking. Make everything compatible with one another.
It should work better for them than it has for Sony. Sony makes hardware devices that they try to make work with each other (nowadays with NFC, DLNA, and Bluetooth). Microsoft, however, has the potential to tie more devices together because of the strength of their Windows platforms. This could totally work out for them.
I didn't even know they switched it to OneDrive. Interesting. This may be the route they are taking. Make everything compatible with one another.
Yeah it happened some time last month. Apparently it infringed on some British news company's trademark so they were forced to change.
Yeah it happened some time last month. Apparently it infringed on some British news company's trademark so they were forced to change.
You figure that they would promote something like that more, make a big deal out of it. Say it will tie in more with the Xbox One.
DX11 is very poorly implemented as is, I seriously can't think of a game besides Metro 2033 that made good use of it. Hell, some of the best-looking games this gen (The Witcher 2, Just Cause 2, Crysis/Crysis Warhead) didn't even implement DX11, and some of the games that did (Arkham City, Far Cry 3, and especially Crysis 2) did it so poorly that they were hardly worth using because the games took a massive performance hit for practically little to no visual difference.

OpenGL has proven time and again that it's a more efficient alternative to DX, but for some reason people still throw around the DirectX name like it should mean something. Other than more bullshit MS PR (it is the "X" in Xbox, after all), there is no reason why DX12 couldn't come to the PS4 if it's on the Xbone because of their similar core architecture. I just know they're going to come right out with their usual "we could only harness the potential of DirectX with the power of the Xbox One" used car salesman lingo.

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