Platinum THIS!

Geeez! How many hours did that take?
A lot! I'll post screenshots when I get the platinum to let you know how long it took.

My strategy is a weird one - I started with a character that helped me to get a feel for the gameplay, then I created a new character to help ensure that I retained all of the info for the game. After that, I created a third character to go through the game. Altogether, maybe 60 hours between all characters so far.

I'm halfway through the last chalice dungeon that you need for a trophy, then I will create a backup save file. I will get one of three endings, load backed up save file, get the second ending, load backed up save file, and then get the third possible ending to complete my platinum trophy. :D
Two kore days and destiny will be platinumed on my end. Then i have to finish up the order and i'm good for a second courtesy of that game.
Hey also just a heads up Platinum chasers!

Let me know how many you have and your PSN ID for the leaderboard thread.
MakaiOokami and 19...

I'm sad though. I've put off earning other Platinums because I want FFXIV to be my 20th! 1 trophy away but things have been crazy the past month. Sickness, illness, horribleness, lightningness, (I don't want the power to go out and my 2TB PS4 HDD to get corrupted)

So... need to get back on and get that platinum damn it!
Almost finished with my Minecraft platinum. I know some people got an easy platinum for Minecraft because they acquired the majority of the trophies in the tutorial. However, I've earned every trophy in survival mode. I just need to get 3 more ender pearls so I can enter The End and kill the ender dragon (I have already found the end portal in my world). I also need to make a mine-cart track 500 m long (I already have all the supplies), and I need to kill a skeleton with a bow from 50 m.
Finally turned on my PS4 for the first time in about 3 or 4 weeks (I think? I just moved) and finished the Bloodborne platinum.
Just got the Infamous First Light Platinum finally. Thanks to Update 2.50, was able to swap the sticks and play to my full potential. Thanks Sony.

Other Platinums (in chronological order)

Resistance 3
Crysis 1
Walking Dead
Infamous Second Son
Resistance Burning Skies
Assassins Creed 2
Metro Last Light Redux
The Order 1886
Not that I know of. The frame rate on one of the final quest line missions would drop to almost zero at the same point every time. It took forever to get through and I had to do it multiple times.
Glitches at launch are one thing but glitches that go unfixed forever is just totally inexcusable. Don't think I'll ever buy another Fallout game.
The glitchiness of that game made it frustrating to play multiple times.
That's exactly why I quit playing it years ago but I got the ultimate edition cheap so I wanted to finish it. I had to save all the time the frame rate dropped after every 15-20 minutes of gameplay.

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