So my PS4 won't wake up from "Rest Mode" post 2.0

Big Head

PSLS Level: Bronze
I've had to unplug it a few times. The pulsing orange bar is an easy giveaway if you're having the issue as well.

Anyone found a perma-fix on this?
I've had to unplug it a few times. The pulsing orange bar is an easy giveaway if you're having the issue as well.

Anyone found a perma-fix on this?

You are the first person I have heard of having the issue... have you been able to find out anything online about it?
You are the first person I have heard of having the issue... have you been able to find out anything online about it?
It's actually a huge issue.

Basically the temp fix is to not put it in rest mode, and to shut it down fully each time.

The sometimes perma fix is to go into safe mode and rebuild the database, works for some people which is why it's a sometimes perma fix.

Sony recommends putting the update on a flash drive, and reinstalling the update.

If you accidentally put it into rest mode, try holding the button to force a shut down (some people report 10 seconds, 1 minute, or 3-5 minutes)

Hopefully the true perma fix will be out in a week or so. In the mean time I just shut down fully.
oh wow.. i had no idea.. i NEVER put my PS4 into rest mode or whatever it was called before.
Sony fed me the same BS as well. First it was rebuild the DB. Then reinstall the update in safe mode. Now they're saying factory reset. Nope, not gonna do that. Sony just needs to find the true fix. I'm not starting over, & I'm not going to "power off" either, as I use Remote Play and every other feature/benefit provided by using "rest" (formerly sleep) mode.
just unplug it like I did mine. not from the wall, but from the back of the ps4. all my data is still there. also pray as you unplug it.
Sony finally acknowledged the issue today, & said they're working on an update.
Have this issue myself, found for me it was linked to my TV! if you have the option that puts the PS4 into standby if you turn your TV off then turn it off! to get out of it I hold the on/off button for about 15 seconds which clears it, not recommended simply pulling the power cord out as it can corrupt your HDD. turning the HDMI conect option to off perm fixed it for me......for now LOL

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