J-Rock Bands


Staff member
So I am really into J-Rock right now and I figured this might be a good thread to share great J-Rock bands you enjoy listening to.. Hopefully I am not the only one who enjoys them.. so please share..

Right now I am really loving BIGMAMA and COUNTRY YARD
I'm into Japanese VK and Jrock, but I also like rock. however my jrock and vk band list and cd collection could go on for miles.getting to meet the members of X Japan at otakon though, that was a shinning moment for me
I freaked. lol
I'm into Japanese VK and Jrock, but I also like rock. however my jrock and vk band list and cd collection could go on for miles.getting to meet the members of X Japan at otakon though, that was a shinning moment for me
I freaked. lol

I have tried to like X Japan but just couldn't get into it.. though I know they are like the godfathers of Jrock.
I don't like a lot of the Visual Kei bands to be honest.. the ones who look like they borrowed their sisters make up.. the music always sounds epic and then the guy starts singing and it SUCKS.
I don't like a lot of the Visual Kei bands to be honest.. the ones who look like they borrowed their sisters make up.. the music always sounds epic and then the guy starts singing and it SUCKS.

That's when you blame the poor choice in singer, not the band entirely. My favorite band (KAGGRA, ) unfortunately not only disbanded but their lead singer passed away. And he had a good voice too.
That's when you blame the poor choice in singer, not the band entirely. My favorite band (KAGGRA, ) unfortunately not only disbanded but their lead singer passed away. And he had a good voice too.

Well I mean I blame the singer, but it ultimately dooms the entire band because I have to like to singer to enjoy the band.
Well I mean I blame the singer, but it ultimately dooms the entire band because I have to like to singer to enjoy the band.

I understand what you're saying and for alot of vk bands it's true but the ones i like are the ones who actually put EFFORT into pleasing the fans.

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