Annoyance of the day


PSLS Level: Bronze
This is where you post your annoyance of the day. Keep it brief, and try not to be too controversial. No political or religious stuff that's not directly gaming related which is why it's in this category. Someone calls you a homofag and it gets to you, that's ok. Unless you hate gays... then that's a bit rude.

I'll start off with my example.

Tonight I wanted to act like a jackass by waving my arms around, but I spent 3 hours tearing the apartment apart trying to find my dang Move Controllers because my wife is asleep and I can't turn on the light, and I'm exhausted and can't find it. I wanted to dance and drink alchohol and now I wasted all my drinking time. Gotta be at work in 12 hours.
Jackass mother fuckers that drive in the fast lane and are clearly not going fast. Just because you are going the speed limit in the fast lane doesn't mean you aren't supposed to move out of the way of faster traffic.
Just because i refuse to kiss ass to the higher ups does not make me a bad fking employee!!!!!! I do more for the store i work at then the ass kissers do!!!
Generally most people annoy me. I wish I could go one day without thinking, "I hate people!" Driving, walking, and just general interactions make me hate the society we live in. Why can't everyone have more consideration for the people around them?
My annoyance for the day, people interrupting me when i'm trying to relax and take a nap!! If my door is shut, it means i'm sleeping. It's notan invitation to come on in. If you call and i don't pick up, chances are i'm sleeping so stop calling again and again in hopes i will pick up. Waking me up when i don't want to be woken up, is like begging for someone to kill you.

My temper flares when i haven't had sleep.

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My annoyance for the day, people interrupting me when i'm trying to relax and take a nap!! If my door is shut, it means i'm sleeping. It's notan invitation to come on in. If you call and i don't pick up, chances are i'm sleeping so stop calling again and again in hopes i will pick up. Waking me up when i don't want to be woken up, is like begging for someone to kill you.

My temper flares when i haven't had sleep.

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If you have an android phone with NFC get the NFC tags. You just program it to toggle volume from normal to silent, every time you tap it, and so when you tap it again it'll turn the volume back up again.

So you get on the couch or the bed, tap your phone, it vibrates, you take a nap. You wake up, tap your phone to it, and the volume's back on.

You can also do dozens of other tasks with it. Toggle Bluetooth on and off, drive mode, start up spotify, navigations, dozens of tasks. You can even put your contact information on the things.
I hate when people with loud kids sit right next to me.. like I have a sign that says "Hey, this guy likes to hear kids scream so let's sit right next to him and then proceed to fail miserably at trying to control my child."
You know what annoys the crap out of me? People entering dangerously close to the bike lane while I'm in it. It is a separate lane for a reason people! Nearly got hit multiple times because of it.
My annoyance is the annoyances that are so annoying that they out annoy each other every time.
So the bar with my favorite wings in town just fired the cook and I never got to tell him I loved his work. That's pretty annoying. Oh, and trivia night at another local bar was canceled, and today was supposed to be video game night. I would've totally cleaned up
I hate business in the front and party in the back... it is not a good look, please leave it alone.
Reviews for Driveclub.

How are you reviewing a game that has social features, when the game is spotty because of the first few days of it being out, and the servers are being hit harder than they expected...

I just don't understand the point of reviewing a game that is kinda supposed to be community driven in an aspect, while the servers are spotty. User reviews definitely are utterly worthless right now. What are they reviewing the 4-8 hours of servers being spotty?

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