Anybody gonna Baby that Murasaki up?


PSLS Level: Bronze

Murasaki Baby is releasing next week on Vita! I was really excited about this game because the art style looks great and the gameplay looks a bit similar to that of Limbo, which I really liked.

However, I've just seen that you use the touchscreen to move Baby (the protagonist) around the level. And I honestly don't think I can put up with that.

I absolutely HATED that control scheme on the DS Zelda games, and I don't think it'll be any better on the Vita.

Any thoughts?

Here's a hands on demo:
Not really sure how I feel about the game. Looks great but then again I don't like touch controls all that much.

We will have a review up once embargo lifts.
I doubt I'll get it soon, but it looks like an interesting game. I'll probably get Firefly Diary before this, unless it reviews terribly lol
Not really sure how I feel about the game. Looks great but then again I don't like touch controls all that much.

We will have a review up once embargo lifts.

I was so pumped about it before I saw the touch controls.

I doubt I'll get it soon, but it looks like an interesting game. I'll probably get Firefly Diary before this, unless it reviews terribly lol

Agreed. FD looks really good. Are you gonna import or wait for a NA release?
I'll wait for NA release. It's suppose to be this fall so I would expect a Oct/Nov release. If a localization has been announced I'll always wait for that version. I rather give them money for localizing a title and hope it encourages them to do it more often.
I'll wait for NA release. It's suppose to be this fall so I would expect a Oct/Nov release. If a localization has been announced I'll always wait for that version. I rather give them money for localizing a title and hope it encourages them to do it more often.


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