PSN Sale - Decisions, Decisions...


PSLS Level: Bronze
Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut - $5.39
Fuse - $4.89
Mirror's Edge - $4.89
(PS+ prices listed.)

Which of these is/are worth the price? Don't really know much about them, but they're all of some level of interest to me from what I've seen. Anyone care to educate me a bit? Whether you call it a hit or a miss, give me some highlights for why you say so.
Just about every search you can conduct for Deadly Premonition will bring up either extremely positive results or extremely negative results. There's a reason why Guinness gave it the record for “Most Critically Polarizing Survival Horror Game”. I suggest giving it a playthrough if you're an open-minded person, or if you liked Twin Peaks. The controls and the performance might put you off, but the characters, setting, and intrigue will easily make the experience bearable.

Mirror's Edge is great, probably one of my favorite 7th gen titles, and by far one of the most gorgeous games I've ever played. It's extremely fun to play through as long as you don't complain about the shooting mechanics because the game was not meant to be played as a shooter to begin with (that's why they give you a trophy for non-lethal playthroughs). It's quite short, unless you're into speed runs and time trial challenges you'll probably only spend 5 hours on it.

As for Fuse, I've heard mostly average things, mostly complaints on how generic it is. I was planning to pick it up during the sale to formulate my own opinion on it.

Have you played SSX 2012 and Alice: Madness Returns yet? I noticed they were also on sale but I have to figure that you omitted them for a reason. Both games are pretty good, although Alice is very tedious and incomplete because EA made the devs rush out an incomplete product so there's a lot of padding and missed potential.

I think you would be better off watching this gif than wasting your money on any of those games.
Just about every search you can conduct for Deadly Premonition will bring up either extremely positive results or extremely negative results. There's a reason why Guinness gave it the record for “Most Critically Polarizing Survival Horror Game”. I suggest giving it a playthrough if you're an open-minded person, or if you liked Twin Peaks. The controls and the performance might put you off, but the characters, setting, and intrigue will easily make the experience bearable.

Mirror's Edge is great, probably one of my favorite 7th gen titles, and by far one of the most gorgeous games I've ever played. It's extremely fun to play through as long as you don't complain about the shooting mechanics because the game was not meant to be played as a shooter to begin with (that's why they give you a trophy for non-lethal playthroughs). It's quite short, unless you're into speed runs and time trial challenges you'll probably only spend 5 hours on it.

As for Fuse, I've heard mostly average things, mostly complaints on how generic it is. I was planning to pick it up during the sale to formulate my own opinion on it.

Have you played SSX 2012 and Alice: Madness Returns yet? I noticed they were also on sale but I have to figure that you omitted them for a reason. Both games are pretty good, although Alice is very tedious and incomplete because EA made the devs rush out an incomplete product so there's a lot of padding and missed potential.
Deadly Premonition - This is pretty much exactly all that I've heard of the game thus far, haha. If only one of these games, this seems most likely for me to grab, if only out of curiosity. I generally consider myself open-minded (I tend to give the benefit of the doubt where others do not, and often enjoy the results of doing so more than others do), and I'm a survival-horror fan, so I'm guessing I should find something to enjoy in this.

Mirror's Edge - This is one that I know next to nothing about, and have heard kind of mixed opinions on. All I really know about is is that it involves first-person free-running. ...That's about it. If it's basically just a few hours of that, then maybe I'll pass on it. (Certainly sounds like something that'd make excellent use of Project Morpheus or Oculus Rift, though.)

I was interested in Fuse back when it was announced as Overstrike at E3 of whatever year, but totally lost track of it due to the name change, and I now see it for quite cheap online... (Didn't realize how old it already is. Geez.) If it turned out to be just another generic shooter, then I'll pass on this one as well. I'm not a huge shooter fan in the first place, so I think stuff like Borderlands and a few other titles pretty much sufficiently satisfies me to that end.

Never played the SSX games, and I'm not really interested. I do own Alice MR, though, and played through it last year. Enjoyed it plenty, and have been suggesting it to others for this sale.
Mirrors edge would be what i recommend, but lifewish is right. Save your money.

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