Have You "Scene" This? Awesome cutscenes from unpopular games

Hybrid Extreme

PSLS Level: Newbie
I have quite a few favorite cutscenes from games that didn't get their 15 minutes of fame when they were released. Binary Domain is one such game. For me, the entire story is awesome as is the gameplay. The only area of the game that suffered at all was the voice acting, and even that wasn't entirely bad. I can't comment on multiplayer because I never tried it. What the game does have are excellent cutscenes. My favorite scene from the game is the one I'll link to for you. Warning: contains spoilers and content that may be inappropriate for children. Enjoy

I'd love to know your favorite, most memorable part, act, scene or level in a video game. Do you have a favorite game that's been flying low on the public radar? Do you think to yourself, "If people just played this game I know they'd love it?" I wanna know about it. It can be from any generation or platform. Just be courteous and provide content and spoiler warnings where applicable if you link to a cutscene.

Some pf my fave cutscenes stem from devil may cry 3&4, sengoku basara, metal gear rising, bayonetta, splatterhouse, and bleach
Some pf my fave cutscenes stem from devil may cry 3&4, sengoku basara, metal gear rising, bayonetta, splatterhouse, and bleach

Metal Gear Rising. train fight - loses his arm - comes out of the tunnel and the guy on armored truck says, "Kept you waiting eh?". Classic! And a good under appreciated game too!
Metal Gear Rising. train fight - loses his arm - comes out of the tunnel and the guy on armored truck says, "Kept you waiting eh?". Classic! And a good under appreciated game too!

Well i think it was because alot of people were expecting snake to be in their as well as for it to play like the other metal gear games, But the story takes place 4 years after snakes death And hideo himself said this was a seperate series.
Then there were the people complaining about no stealth gameplay, it's a hack and slash, those games aren't meant to be stealth games. However it is possible to do an entire level without being caught. I've done it before and there is even a trophy for it.
Well i think it was because alot of people were expecting snake to be in their as well as for it to play like the other metal gear games, But the story takes place 4 years after snakes death And hideo himself said this was a seperate series.
Then there were the people complaining about no stealth gameplay, it's a hack and slash, those games aren't meant to be stealth games. However it is possible to do an entire level without being caught. I've done it before and there is even a trophy for it.

But half the games i mentioned were very well liked lol
While it was somewhat successful, I can't think of a JRPG series that faded faster from the limelight than Xenosaga (especially with the mediocrity of the second installment and the anime adaptation).

It gets really interesting around 2 minutes and 45 seconds
While it was somewhat successful, I can't think of a JRPG series that faded faster from the limelight than Xenosaga (especially with the mediocrity of the second installment and the anime adaptation).

It gets really interesting around 2 minutes and 45 seconds

I heard some of those lines while watching black butler

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