Headset... Broken... customer service? hello?!


PSLS Level: Bronze
My Sony pulse elite headset that i got for xmas literally cracked on both sides while i was wearing them. I called cs and they said they needed a receipt... kill me.... why dont they fix the design of this headset or just stop selling it cause it happens often from what i read. Anyone else here have that problem?

Oh yay finally i can use my pulse elite on ps4... *craaack*
Where did you buy it? Some retailers keep a log of your transactions in their computers, especially places like Best Buy and Gamestop that have rewards programs. You might be able to produce a new receipt by calling the store where you bought it if that's the case.
Where did you buy it? Some retailers keep a log of your transactions in their computers, especially places like Best Buy and Gamestop that have rewards programs. You might be able to produce a new receipt by calling the store where you bought it if that's the case.
Got it at gamestop and they said their computers only hold that info for 3 months
You should check the reviews on amazon and on even the sony site almost every other review talks about them cracking

I don't pay attention to the reviews, you can never tell if what is being said is true. But i don't use headsets in the first place. To klunky.
I don't pay attention to the reviews, you can never tell if what is being said is true. But i don't use headsets in the first place. To klunky.
I use mine because my fiancé doesn't like hearing games at times. But I also like it for chatting at well with people on my friends list.
Dang, I came into this thread hoping it was gonna be another guy yelling at us and thinking we were the Sony corp. I leave disappointed.
Dang, I came into this thread hoping it was gonna be another guy yelling at us and thinking we were the Sony corp. I leave disappointed.

Would it make you feel better if i started a thread strictly for that soul purpose, just for you?

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