CAPCOM Up For Sale

Atsushi Inaba, Hideki Kamiya, Hideaki Itsuno, and Hiroyuki Kobayashi are gone. the main key players are gone, having moved on to work elsewhere. Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba are part of Platinum now.
Hideaki Itsuno left in the middle of the Ninja Theory Disaster, and Hiroyuki left shortly after the most recent sengoku basara game.

actually a lot of their top people have left them cause crapcom pissed them off.
I'm pretty sure Itsuno is still with Capcom
Atsushi Inaba, Hideki Kamiya, Hideaki Itsuno, and Hiroyuki Kobayashi are gone. the main key players are gone, having moved on to work elsewhere. Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba are part of Platinum now.
Hideaki Itsuno left in the middle of the Ninja Theory Disaster, and Hiroyuki left shortly after the most recent sengoku basara game.
I'm pretty sure Itsuno is still with Capcom

naw he left in the middle of the making of ninja's theory's "masterpiece". i read it in an interview, i'll find the link for you and send it to you. it's somewhere under my disastrous list of saves and favorites lol
Well so far Nintendo has shown much more respect to Mega Man over the past few years than Capcom has, so I really wouldn't mind that. Did you see the Smash Bros tournament and the crowd reaction to his final smash? As a long-time fan, I have to say that I get a big stupid smile on my face every time I see it.

Not to mention that Monster Hunter is probably Capcom's biggest cash cow in their homeland, and since MH has been doing pretty well on Nintendo platforms I think it'd be hard for them to pass that up. Ideally I'd want a Japanese third party like Sega or Konami to scoop them up, but on the off chance that Capcom does have to sell off their property or be bought, I don't think Nintendo would do a bad job with them.

sega or konami i wouldn't be opposed to, nor Bandai Namco/ Namco Bandai (or whatever the hell they call themselves now)
slap mega man onto platinum maybe? that would be interesting.

what about a mega man team up with sonic? or viewtiful joe
Any of these ideas would work. Whatever happened to Viewtiful Joe, anyway? Did they just drop the ball on him, or did he get replaced by Bayonetta?

I want Mega Man and Sonic vs Proto Man and Knuckles in a team death match. Maybe Gearbox should buy Capcom and Sega both. This is why I miss playing pc shooters like Quake II and III. There were so many awesome mp mods!
Any of these ideas would work. Whatever happened to Viewtiful Joe, anyway? Did they just drop the ball on him, or did he get replaced by Bayonetta?

I want Mega Man and Sonic vs Proto Man and Knuckles in a team death match. Maybe Gearbox should buy Capcom and Sega both. This is why I miss playing pc shooters like Quake II and III. There were so many awesome mp mods!

viewtiful joe was a product of clover studios (now known as platinum studios), made by the creator of devil may cry, but crapcom owns the series rights i think. i would LOVE to see an HD collection of it though lol


( i still have nightmares about the time they put Dante in viewtiful joe, omg that was creepy lol)

btw - idk if you know this or not, but in bayonetta not only does she briefly use ebony and ivory from devil may cry, she also occasionally shouts out "Henshin a go go baby!" when she fights
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