CAPCOM Up For Sale


PSLS Level: Silver
It's finally happened, CAPCOM is putting their company up for sale to the highest bidder! Thoughts? Comments? Who do you think should buy them? Who do you hope buys them?
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Not gonna happen. Platinum does not have nearly enough capital to gain a controlling interest, let alone a buyout.

They might buy some stock, you never know. I don't expect them to buy the entire company, they themselves were having some issues too if i recall. But that may have changed, i haven't looked into it recently.
I hope Besthesda does considering that they are backing Shinji Minami's studio for the Evil Within and they support pure creative freedom
It they start selling just their ip's then i hope platinum takes the devil may cry franchise. Since the originator works for them now. And see the other ip's go out to some really great gaming companies
It they start selling just their ip's then i hope platinum takes the devil may cry franchise. Since the originator works for them now. And see the other ip's go out to some really great gaming companies
You might be overreacting to this news. This isn't a THQ situation here. Capcom is still making money, in fact their stock price has risen around 13% over the past year. They're still a healthy company. This failed vote only opens the company up to a hostile takeover, it doesn't mean they're actually shopping it or their IPs.
Never going to happen. If anyone were to buy them, you can look at companies like EA, Activision, Ubisoft, or someone big time with enough money to make it happen.
Could you imagine Visceral at EA doing Resident Evil? Or maybe Ubisoft throwing down Devil May Cry? I wouldn't be opposed to seeing some other views and takes on these franchises.
Im still sticking with my idea of Nintendo buying a controlling interest and releasing Mega Man games again.
Please go away.... :)
Well so far Nintendo has shown much more respect to Mega Man over the past few years than Capcom has, so I really wouldn't mind that. Did you see the Smash Bros tournament and the crowd reaction to his final smash? As a long-time fan, I have to say that I get a big stupid smile on my face every time I see it.

Not to mention that Monster Hunter is probably Capcom's biggest cash cow in their homeland, and since MH has been doing pretty well on Nintendo platforms I think it'd be hard for them to pass that up. Ideally I'd want a Japanese third party like Sega or Konami to scoop them up, but on the off chance that Capcom does have to sell off their property or be bought, I don't think Nintendo would do a bad job with them.
Could you imagine Visceral at EA doing Resident Evil? Or maybe Ubisoft throwing down Devil May Cry? I wouldn't be opposed to seeing some other views and takes on these franchises.

Oh god i fear what ubisoft would do with devil may cry, even though ninja theory already effectively killed the series.
I would much rather see that game in the hands of maybe bethesda or if platinum had the money i would prefer to have them own that particular series since that's where the originator works now. I pray to god ninja theory doesn't try anything. Ea i guess would be ok, but i would still be kinda nervous with them or activision handling things. And i also pray that microshit stays out of things.
Could you imagine Visceral at EA doing Resident Evil? Or maybe Ubisoft throwing down Devil May Cry? I wouldn't be opposed to seeing some other views and takes on these franchises.
I raise your Visceral one SCEJ (they have Toyama, creator of Silent Hill, Siren, and Gravity Rush).

I wouldn't mind seeing Ubisoft Montreal do Devil May Cry or Onimusha. That could get interesting.

It would be interesting if Platinum Games nabbed Mega Man, too. A Mega Man Legends game in the vein of Metal Gear Rising could be exciting!
I raise your Visceral one SCEJ (they have Toyama, creator of Silent Hill, Siren, and Gravity Rush).

I wouldn't mind seeing Ubisoft Montreal do Devil May Cry or Onimusha. That could get interesting.

It would be interesting if Platinum Games nabbed Mega Man, too. A Mega Man Legends game in the vein of Metal Gear Rising could be exciting!

I would rather see platinum take on devil may cry since that's where everyone responsible for it went to work, half of those guys worked on rising. I would love to see another viewtiful joe as well.

Metal gear rising reminded me of devil may cry ALOT
I would rather see platinum take on devil may cry since that's where everyone responsible for it went to work, half of those guys worked on rising. I would love to see another viewtiful joe as well.

Metal gear rising reminded me of devil may cry ALOT
Even though I did indeed like the first Devil May Cry, I always felt that the Onimusha far better accomplished what the first DMC was trying to do. The team that made Devil May Cry into what I love (basically the guys who made DMC3 and DMC4) are still working with Capcom.

If Capcom was indeed to go under at some point, I'd hope that Itsuno finds his way to Platinum. If Shinji Mikami could find his way back there as well then I'd be a very happy man.
Even though I did indeed like the first Devil May Cry, I always felt that the Onimusha far better accomplished what the first DMC was trying to do. The team that made Devil May Cry into what I love (basically the guys who made DMC3 and DMC4) are still working with Capcom.

If Capcom was indeed to go under at some point, I'd hope that Itsuno finds his way to Platinum. If Shinji Mikami could find his way back there as well then I'd be a very happy man.

Atsushi Inaba, Hideki Kamiya, Hideaki Itsuno, and Hiroyuki Kobayashi are gone. the main key players are gone, having moved on to work elsewhere. Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba are part of Platinum now.
Hideaki Itsuno left in the middle of the Ninja Theory Disaster, and Hiroyuki left shortly after the most recent sengoku basara game.

actually a lot of their top people have left them cause crapcom pissed them off.

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