What PS3 exclusives did we see at E3?

I'm not sure, like the Vita the PS3 was really not talked about a lot. Which is interesting compared to how much you heard about the PS2 at E3s after the PS3 launched. Amazing what a successful launch does eh?

I've seen news about a couple others, but both of them were JRPGs that I already knew about just like Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix. They were Tales of Xillia 2 and Fairy Fencer F. Beyond that I didn't see any others. I heard someone say something about Persona 5 and E3, but looking around after that they weren't there... so that's all I know about.
That completely caught me off guard! Like @Dullshimmer said, Sony isn't really known for just dropping complete support of the last gen on the E3 following a launch. I'm not really mad that PS3 wasn't showcased (but I'm pissed about the Vita), though I'm a bit dumbfounded by it.
That completely caught me off guard! Like @Dullshimmer said, Sony isn't really known for just dropping complete support of the last gen on the E3 following a launch. I'm not really mad that PS3 wasn't showcased (but I'm pissed about the Vita), though I'm a bit dumbfounded by it.

Yeah it was a bit surprising to me too. I mean honestly, I didn't miss it since most of the time it wasn't about new games or anything. Often it just seemed to be more of a hey remember that we did the PS2 too and that was pretty awesome. I really wish I knew why the Vita was neglected... you'd think they would have wanted to get some games out there to show or release during their conference to bolster the Playstation/Vita TV coming to the West... but what do I know?
PS3 was pretty heavily showcased, in that there are still a TON of cross-generation games to make both camps happy. My concern is this: with so many games being cross-gen, it may actually turn people off to upgrading their console.
Yeah it might. Although with the sales the PS4 are having it may not too. It always seems like a fine line to me. Like when Xbox went to 360 it seems they pretty much shut down support for XBox pretty fast after the switch, and basically "forced" you to upgrade. That may not go over well with some people who may not like being "forced" to upgrade.

On the other side you have the problem of everything being last gen and this gen and don't necessarily have as much incentive to upgrade to the next machine. Plus it also has the negative effect of holding back the next gen from being quite as "next" as it might be able to be since they're still limiting things for the older hardware too. Hopefully within the next year we'll see less of the cross-gen and more of a focus on next-gen only. I mean we already do see it in examples like Batman Arkham Knight.

Personally, I think I'd rather fall into the let the consumer and developers feel like they're the one making the decision to upgrade side of that if I were Sony. I guess we'll see if that bites them in the end or not.

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