Games You Haven't Finished?

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
Let's face it, our backlogs are huge! There are plenty of games that we've all started but for one reason or another, haven't finished. It could be the story mode, or it could be the platinum trophy that we were intending to get. Let's talk about what games you haven't finished below.

Personally I have quite a few, especially int he "intended to get Platinum" category.

In terms of even finishing the game, I am on the last level of XCOM and haven't finished it. I also never finished up Killzone Shadow Fall, am still halfway through LEGO Marvel, among a lot of others, including GTA V. It's not that I didn't like these games, I just have soooo much to play!

What haven't you finished yet?
The amount of games that are on my "intended to Platinum" list are just ridiculous. GTA V, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, along with many others. I'm hoping to cut down on my backlog within the next couple months of summer vacation, but we'll see how it goes. It seems like everytime I get involved in a game, a new one comes out, which causes said game to be put on the shelf, and there's where it stays for quite awhile and I never seem to get back to it.
I don't think I have enough time to list out all the games I haven't finished.. The list is longer than all the stupid things Obama has done in office, and that is A LOT
The amount of games that are on my "intended to Platinum" list are just ridiculous. GTA V, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, along with many others. I'm hoping to cut down on my backlog within the next couple months of summer vacation, but we'll see how it goes. It seems like everytime I get involved in a game, a new one comes out, which causes said game to be put on the shelf, and there's where it stays for quite awhile and I never seem to get back to it.
Same, except my problem is reviews. I still haven't played Watch_Dogs because of a few Vita games I had to review last month. Regardless of how good they are, I have to review them and they take precedence over games I want to play for fun.
Ton of games. I may edit this at some point in the future and list them all. But I have this syndrome where I just keep buying titles. Across all platforms. There may very well be a literal crap ton that I have yet to see the credits roll on.
I'm not much of a trophy hunter, so usually when I start a game my primary intention is to play it from start to finish. Unfortunately the "start" is the hardest part, especially when you pick up games just because you want them in your collection (this especially sucks on Steam, when you buy a game because it's on sale and then neglect it for years afterward).

Right now I'm in the process of completing Drakengard 3, but the final "boss" is one of the most infuriatingly difficult things I've ever experienced in a video game.
I'm not much of a trophy hunter, so usually when I start a game my primary intention is to play it from start to finish. Unfortunately the "start" is the hardest part, especially when you pick up games just because you want them in your collection (this especially sucks on Steam, when you buy a game because it's on sale and then neglect it for years afterward).

Right now I'm in the process of completing Drakengard 3, but the final "boss" is one of the most infuriatingly difficult things I've ever experienced in a video game.
Difficult end bosses used to be my bane. "Eh, I'll come back to it..." Never happens....
Difficult end bosses used to be my bane. "Eh, I'll come back to it..." Never happens....
I've honestly never been the kind to put down a game because of a difficult final boss. If anything, my failures fuel my desire to triumph even more.

This thing doesn't even qualify as that. Someone seriously thought that it would be a good idea to end a hack and slash game with a 7 minute rhythm battle just because it would be a quirky throwback to the infamous final ending of the first game. A "one missed note and it's over" battle, mind you.
Putting aside simple test-plays upon purchase, off the top of my head...

L.A. Noire (w/ DLC)
I managed to make myself at least finish the Vice desk, but can't seem to make that final push through the Arson desk to finish the game. While the game's certainly got its merits, it just doesn't seem to be a kind of game I'm in the mood for often... (And, well, it just doesn't appeal to me much in general.) While I do plan to at least finish the game, I might be looking to get rid of it sometime afterward. It's got garbage resale value, so if anything, maybe I'll just gift it to a friend or something. *shrug* May or may not aim for the platinum before doing so.

I was playing along just fine until I reached the end... Then I hit a wall, both figuratively and literally. I tried making progress a few times, but to no avail, so between the lack of progress and growing interest in other games in my backlog, I found myself abandoning the game, seemingly right at the end. <_<; Would certainly like to get back to it sometime. Perhaps as part of my Halloween gaming this year?

Siren: Blood Curse
Speaking of Halloween gaming, I'd played this in bits and pieces over time. I think I made it to episode... 6, perhaps? Can't even recall. I imagine I must've just reached one of those points where I had no idea what to do next, and lost interest, or something like that. Definitely want to get back into the game sometime, so it's up there on my priority list for the Halloween season's gaming.
The Last of Us
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories HD
God of War: Ghost of Sparta

So many more...
Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce, mainly because the controls are terrible, as is the camera, and the "easy" enemies can do as much damage as bosses and gang up on you and you can't attack back and keep getting thrown around and omfg...
Ahem, anyways, yeah, just thinking about it is frustrating, but I do intend to go back and finish it eventually. Just gonna try all the other games I have first xD
Mortal kombat
Metal gear solid ground zeroes
Resident evil 5 (never touching that crap game again)
Siren: blood curse
Jstars victory vs. (lotta story lines to go thru)
Black rock shooter
Gravity rush
Project diva f the 2nd
Hitman trilogy
Borderlands 1
Skullgirls encore
Arcana heart 3
Sengoku basara hd collection
Sengoku basara 3 utage
Sengoku basara 4

And many more....
Seeing as I'm still new to PS, my games unfinished list is at a paltry 3. The Last of Us, Lego LotR, and Darksiders ll. I also have Arkham Origins but I dont have any interest in playing it so I dont really count it.
Seeing as I'm still new to PS, my games unfinished list is at a paltry 3. The Last of Us, Lego LotR, and Darksiders ll. I also have Arkham Origins but I dont have any interest in playing it so I dont really count it.

How is it that you are new?
Well, relatively new. Ive only had the system for about 6 months, that counts as newish right or no?

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