Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate coming this fall


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate officially coming to the West

sengoku basara is better in my opinion. i was actually kinda disappointed in warriors orochi. found it lacking in fun gameplay and thought the characters were rather bland.
Not really my cup of tea but I am excited about how many games the Vita has coming stateside. If you build the library of games, they will come!
Not really my cup of tea but I am excited about how many games the Vita has coming stateside. If you build the library of games, they will come!

not always, but if they are vita exclusives and not ports of a console game then that's a different story.
not always, but if they are vita exclusives and not ports of a console game then that's a different story.

At this point, I am looking at quantity and every PS3/PS4 game that also releases on the Vita is a good thing.

On note of the game, this basically plays like Dynasty Warriors correct?
At this point, I am looking at quantity and every PS3/PS4 game that also releases on the Vita is a good thing.

On note of the game, this basically plays like Dynasty Warriors correct?

sengoku basara is similar but not 100% like it, the characters have far more personality to them, as well as the stories. plus some of the characters have more things in common with their real life counterparts. not to mention some of the gameplay is really fun, they mixed some of it up with other Capcom games, mainly the original devil may cry games. also, plenty of humor in it, but not to the point where the game is stupid. it's actually very well done.

warriors orochi, well i already mentioned some of the reasons why i don't like it.
On note of the game, this basically plays like Dynasty Warriors correct?
Warriors Orochi is an all-encompassing Warriors game that includes games from Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, other Tecmo Koei properties, and a few original characters from the Orochi franchise. Warriors Orochi 3 included characters from Ninja Gaiden, Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll, Bladestorm: The Hundred Years War, and Dead or Alive. Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate also has more of these characters, along with Sterk from the Atelier Series and Sophitia from Soul Calibur.

But the game engine is like a mash-up of Dynasty Warriors 7 / Next and Samurai Warriors 3Z.

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