Who's Getting Dark Souls II?

I've thought about it. But given my current backlog I just can't justify the purchase. I have so many games I still need to beat, it's honestly ridiculous.
I agree. It's something that I would love to play, but the backlog continues to build (thanks PLUS!) and it unfortunately doesn't seem to be at the top of my list for games to play. I Platted Demon Souls back in the day and I am calling that good for the time being.
I agree. It's something that I would love to play, but the backlog continues to build (thanks PLUS!) and it unfortunately doesn't seem to be at the top of my list for games to play. I Platted Demon Souls back in the day and I am calling that good for the time being.
I loved Demon's Souls. Never even played Dark Souls before, except for my time with the game at one of the E3 conferences that I have attended. The game was definitely a lot of fun, but not all that different from the original Demon's Souls. I could be wrong though because my time with the game was limited.
If cash allows this will be a day one purchase. The network test was a very tense experience.
I've thought about it. But given my current backlog I just can't justify the purchase. I have so many games I still need to beat, it's honestly ridiculous.

I've given up on my backlog. It's way too long......except stanley parable. I'll play that.

If cash allows this will be a day one purchase. The network test was a very tense experience.

the network test was really fun. I didn't fight any of the bosses, though. I just screwed around with the different classes and did a lot of invading.
I've given up on my backlog. It's way too long......except stanley parable. I'll play that.

the network test was really fun. I didn't fight any of the bosses, though. I just screwed around with the different classes and did a lot of invading.
Yes but if I give up on my backlog that would be so much wasted money lol.
Not me. If it was releasing on PS4 I would buy it day 1, but right now I'm just not interested in going back to PS3.
I need to finish Dark Souls 1. Platinumed Demon's Souls but Dark Souls is just so big and vast and I got lost and I have tons of souls.

Right now I"m applying for a spot for JRPG reviewer for a website. If I get that position, might even get a review copy for free. Who knows. Not really sure at the moment. If not I'll probably be getting the game for reviewing purposes anyway.

However if I don't get the position, probably won't be getting it till a price drop.

Then again I said that about Dark Souls and bought it release week >_>

So... ya... umm...

I don't know. Let's just put it that way. Not a clue.
I just went to Amazon and pre-ordered it, then I thought "what if I get a review copy" and cancelled it. All within 2 minutes.

I'm so impulsive. The first game I pre-ordered and Amazon wasn't sure which house they shipped it to because I had moved, and then I wasn't sure if it was going to make it, so I bought the physical copy somewhere else, and then when it came in the mail I took the one I got to amazon with my receipt back to the store and got my money back.

I lose my mind when this game is in front of me. Like I lose impulse control.
sadly no Dark Souls 2 or any other game until I can find a job. At the moment the closest I get to new releases is watching them on TwitchTV
I've never played Dark Souls or Demon Soul's, its not my type of game.

Also Pete, how often do you play anything in your backlog, it seems like your always playing new stuff anyways :)
I've never played Dark Souls or Demon Soul's, its not my type of game.

Also Pete, how often do you play anything in your backlog, it seems like your always playing new stuff anyways :)
How do you know you don't like having your soul crushed, until it's happened? :p
I've never played Dark Souls or Demon Soul's, its not my type of game.

Also Pete, how often do you play anything in your backlog, it seems like your always playing new stuff anyways :)
I am. :(
It's something I'm trying to work through lol. Playing Ryse right now. Also very close to beating Tomb Raider on PS4.

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