PS Vita in May 2014


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
Here is what we know are coming out for now!
The PS Vita 2000 is finally here on May 6th, bundled with the highly requested Borderlands 2. The 2000 model comes with a much improved form factor, battery life, improved trigger buttons, and smaller rear touch so a player is less likely to use it unintentionally. Gone now is the proprietary power plugin, replaced with the universal micro usb input. The biggest tradeoff for many will be the LCD screen replacing the OLED.

The people at NeoGAF have compared the two models quite a bit. I think its a good read for anyone thinking about upgrading or purchasing for the first time. Link Here

Also releasing on May 6th, is the God of War Collection. Consisting of the PS2 classics God of War and God of War II. While criticized for being a port machine, if you're going to get ports, get them from the greatest console; the PS2.

Borderlands 2 gets its retail release on May 13th.

Available only digitally when it releases on May 13, Soul Sacrifice Delta hits PSN. The enhanced version of Soul Sacrifice comes with the new neutral faction Grim, more spells, quests, arenas, and monsters based on the Grim tales of old.

A bit of a lull hits for a few weeks until the releases of both Mind Zero and the Sly Collection on May 27th at retail and digital!
The Sly Collection hit the Vita in Europe in April, first impressions have been positive. The game will come with Sly 1 and 2 on the cart, and Sly 3 will be a digital voucher.
Mind Zero is easiest to describe as a first person dungeon crawler meets Persona.

Here are more games expected to be released during May but haven't finalized a date yet:
Football Manager Classic 14 - Soccer Management
MouseCraft - Puzzle
Jet Car Stunts - Racing, Action
Z-Run - Action
The Swapper - Platformer

More surprises may wait as the month progresses.

Will you be purchasing anything new this month? Clearing out the backlog from prior months, or not? What will you be gaming in May?
So much to be getting.
  • PSP 2000 Bundle
  • God of War Collection
  • Sly Collection
  • Maybe Soul Sacrifice, not sure because I haven't ever played it.
I am sure I will be getting Mind Zero for review, but outside of that, nothing else interests me for the month.
Cart sizes can't hold all 3 games. Memory space both carts and memory cards are the Achilles heel of the Vita.
They should include the 3rd game on a second cart then. Honestly, I was thinking of picking this up at retail in order to save precious memory cad space, but I might as well just hold out for a good PSN sale now. 2 games ont the cartridge plus a voucher doesn't work for me.

And you're right, memory is definitely Vita's weakness.
I would actually consider buying a Vita-2000 if it had better wireless functionality. Until then, I'll stick with my launch Vita...
They should include the 3rd game on a second cart then. Honestly, I was thinking of picking this up at retail in order to save precious memory cad space, but I might as well just hold out for a good PSN sale now. 2 games ont the cartridge plus a voucher doesn't work for me.

And you're right, memory is definitely Vita's weakness.
I'm pretty sure the Vita carts hold a max of 4gb.
The Jak Collection is 3gb, Injustice is 3.02gb, Killzone is 3gb but launched with a 1gb+ patch, Madden 13 was 3gb, MGS Collection is 3.3gb, MLB the Show 14 is 3.3gb, Mortal Kombat 3gb,
Persona 4 is 3.1gb, Resistance Burning Skies 3.1gb, Sly Cooper 4 is 3.5gb, Uncharted GA is 3.2gb.
Both FFX and FFX-2 are over 3gb a piece.
With its failure to catch on in the west I'm sure we'll never see Sony expand the carts to 8gb.

Sony (and other publishers) refuse to bite the cost of an additional cart for the games that require more than 1 in the package. (FFX|X-2, Sly Collection) They rather just toss a digital voucher in there sadly.

Sly Collection was a day 1 purchase for me as I missed them during the PS2 days, loved the PS3 versions but stopped playing once the PS4 was announced, along with rumors of it coming to Vita. With my backlog growing out of control, Sly Collection will be a 'buy physical version when discounted' unfortunately.

I have my retail purchases seperate from digital purchases on my Vita, so it bugs me keeping digital games next to games that require a cart.
We have a clearer idea of what week 1 of May will look like on the Vita thanks to the PS Blog!
May 6th brings us:
  • Borderlands 2 PS Vita 2000 Bundle
  • Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse
  • Football Manager Classic 14
  • God of War Collection
  • Titan Attacks!

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