Vita Games in 2014: The Ultimate List

GameStop has changed their release date for the PSVita 2000 to May 6th. Since theyre bundling it with Borderlands 2 and amazon changed theirs to May 6th recently, its looking more and more like it'll be officially announced soon.
GameStop has changed their release date for the PSVita 2000 to May 6th. Since theyre bundling it with Borderlands 2 and amazon changed theirs to May 6th recently, its looking more and more like it'll be officially announced soon.
What are the major changes from the original Vita? I have a launch one and I'm wondering if the Vita 2000 is even worth checking out.
The OLED screen was replaced with a high quality LCD screen. Greatly enhanced battery life. Better shoulder buttons, and start and select buttons. Smaller rear touch panel so you're less like to touch it but can still reach it easily when needed. Replaces the vita charging port with a micro usb slot.

Every impression Ive read of people who own the original OLED and the 2000 prefers the 2000.
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The OLED screen was replaced with a high quality LCD screen. Greatly enhanced battery life. Better shoulder buttons, and start and select buttons. Smaller rear touch panel so you're less like to touch it but can still reach it easily when needed. Replaces the vita charging port with a micro usb slot.

Every impression Ive read of people who own the original OLED and the 2000 prefers the 2000.
Oh wow. The battery life sounds great, and don't get me started on the smaller rear touch panel (my hands are huge). I might have to look into it. I've been using my Vita more and more lately.
The biggest loss is the OLED screen. The LCD screen is still very good and its better to view in sunlight. Its colors are not as saturated as the OLED, resulting in worse blacks and whites.

I really want to get one, but SCEA hasn't announced a bundleless version of it and its only coming west in black sadly. I really wanted a white/lime green one.
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Wondering if I should get the PS Vita 2000. With the updates that have been explained to me here on what changes have been made to the Vita, I am seriously considering it.

IGN had a decent video review about it. Only thing that doesn't apply to the US version is the color options.

IGN had a decent video review about it. Only thing that doesn't apply to the US version is the color options.

Very nice. They did a really good job of explaining things like you said. Not gonna lie I would like that yellow Vita :p the white one looked great as well.
My dream is a silver Vita (like the PSP2000 I own... bundled with Dexter). I like my PS consoles black and my handhelds silver. I don't know why we don't get more colors here, they do sell. The PSP God of Wars, the silvers.

There is a site to buy them for $185 from japan. The reason I don't import one is because X and O are swapped in Japan. X is cancel and O is confirm. Its like that for all the OS stuff and even playing US games on it will change to X for cancel and O for confirm
Soul Sacrifice Delta releasing May 13th, 2014

Freedom Wars TBA 2014

Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines (known as 'Over My Dead Body') also coming later this year.
Also releasing later this year (as in tomorrow the 15th)

Dead Nation (Vita), its cross buy with the PS3 version. So if you happen to get Dead Nation from the PSN Hack a couple years ago you should be good to download this one tomorrow when the store goes up.
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Add a Tales of Hearts R localization to the list, rumor monster tagged attached. Yesterday a gamestop list of Vita retail games leaked and had ToH R on it also.
For those who are interested in Minecraft on the Vita, it appears as it will get a retail release eventually.
For those who are interested in Minecraft on the Vita, it appears as it will get a retail release eventually.

I think a heavily marketed vita/minecraft bundle could single-handedly save the vita in the west. Or at least, improve the install base enough to get some moar gamez.
I don't want to talk to much in this thread about 'saving' the Vita (since we have a thread for that), but I'll say this. Time the Minecraft bundle for release early holiday shopping season but also have another game in there but keep it at its current Borderlands 2 bundle price.

It needs to have popular game, + value. There have been rumors of an Infamous being made for Vita so maybe that could fit the role of the 2nd game. Or even Borderlands 2 itself.

Look at the confirmed release dates on the Vita. We know nothing about its holiday lineup. Its not because "no games", its because Sony is keeping a tight lip on it. Although I wouldn't be too shocked if Freedom Wars became one of its Holiday releases.

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