What Did You Get This Week On The PSN?

I got:

-Chrono Cross
-Chrono Trigger
-Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational (Love me some Hot Shots Golf)
-Tales of Symphonia Chronicles.

Damn sales always add to my backlog.
I contained myself and only grabbed these:

Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles ( So I don't have to open my CE)
Zen Pinball 2 - Balance the Force Pack
I contained myself and only grabbed these:

Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles ( So I don't have to open my CE)
Zen Pinball 2 - Balance the Force Pack

What's the point of getting CE if you can't enjoy the goodies inside?
What's the point of getting CE if you can't enjoy the goodies inside?

Some I open, Some I don't. I have no rhyme or reason. I typically do not open anything until I am ready to play it. So in this instance I just never got around to opening it for playing and the digital was super cheap. I did the same thing for Tales of Xillia. But mostly if they are rare and have good resale I will often sell later on at a profit. I'm a collector but this is how I keep my gaming habit going. Last couple years I've broke even.

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