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I have just finished streaming Don't Starve Reign of Giants just a little over 5 hours... so I am wanting to go to bed but I am hyped up... what game.... did not do so well since I died just under 60 days ... Sad I know...

But I have a great feeling on this next map so far...

Anyways next I will be laying in my bed, Cursing away because I can't fall asleep... all the while being totally jealous of my wife who can closer her eyes and be a sleep before her head hits the pillow...
Pondering what to do for my birthday. Wondering if people will believe I turned 21 for yet another year because 25 doesn't seem right. Petting fat cat's tummy and now asking what have I done, how did time go so quick?

Also can't wait to try this huckleberry mead I have :D

I am highly caffeinated and rambly and bouncy right now lol
Pondering what to do for my birthday. Wondering if people will believe I turned 21 for yet another year because 25 doesn't seem right. Petting fat cat's tummy and now asking what have I done, how did time go so quick?

Also can't wait to try this huckleberry mead I have :D

I am highly caffeinated and rambly and bouncy right now lol
Huckleberry Mead? That sounds really good. Happy 21st again!
Pondering what to do for my birthday. Wondering if people will believe I turned 21 for yet another year because 25 doesn't seem right. Petting fat cat's tummy and now asking what have I done, how did time go so quick?

Also can't wait to try this huckleberry mead I have :D

I am highly caffeinated and rambly and bouncy right now lol

Celebrate, do something the is worthy of being 25 years. Do not do something that everyone else does...

Sure have a party. But do something for you that would make it special ... Something outside of the box that will make you remember 25. Do what you want to do and not what is expected. Do not settle for anything less then excellence for your 25th year.

Maybe something you wished to have achieved that is maybe a little nonsensical. Make so at 50 you can look back and say I was young and I did this which most people do not get to do and now at 50 there is no way my body could have done that now. because by then you will have muscles and bones that ache that you had no clue they were even there...
plotting to take over the world using borderlands as my basis for taking over, and star wars as my base for military strategy.

I would like to join you.

Well Im here and I have been obtaining platinums. Finished Metro Redux. I have to find a new game or I will perish hahaha.
Huckleberry Mead? That sounds really good. Happy 21st again!
It was amazingly tasty, but probably not the best thing to start the night off with... and end it with as well, haha. Ughohman >.< Thank you!

Celebrate, do something the is worthy of being 25 years. Do not do something that everyone else does...

Sure have a party. But do something for you that would make it special ... Something outside of the box that will make you remember 25. Do what you want to do and not what is expected. Do not settle for anything less then excellence for your 25th year.

Maybe something you wished to have achieved that is maybe a little nonsensical. Make so at 50 you can look back and say I was young and I did this which most people do not get to do and now at 50 there is no way my body could have done that now. because by then you will have muscles and bones that ache that you had no clue they were even there...
I really wish I would have put more thought into my birthday and did something rather than the whole bar thing. I really wanted to go spend it out in the woods, hike up somewhere and sleep under the stars, get back in tune with nature, something. Anything outdoors. The last time I did was for my literal 21st birthday and it was amazing. I've tried again for all my other birthdays but things never quite panned out.
I did, however, see an amazing shooting star as my night began, which made me happy. But I know exactly what you mean, and next year I will make more of an effort. Thank you for your words, they are very inspiring!
Should I do something important or play Destiny?

Decisions, decisions
Do something important: Play Destiny.

oh and set the PSLS group as your clan for PlayStation. Go here and click set as clan: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/125467

For anyone unaware, a group is not a clan, you have to click to set the group as your clan, so any members of the PSLS group, go here and set us as your clan ladies and gents!

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