Welcome To The PlayStationLifeStyle Forums


PSLS Level: Silver
First and foremost I would like to extend a welcome to the PlayStationLifeStyle Forums, my name is BigPete7978. I have been running forums for quite some time, and am beyond happy to bring to you the much anticipated release of the PSLS Forums, a feature the community has been wanting for quite some time.
  1. No Spam - This is absolutely my number one rule. If you spam you will suffer the wrath of the Banhammer, period. If you are unsure about posting something, simply ask via PM to me or one of the other staff members and we will let you know.
  2. Don't harass other members - this is meant to be a community where you can come and relax and discuss videogames with fellow gamers, please refrain from harassing one another.
  3. Have fun - Our goal here is to have one of the best videogame communities on the internet. Everyone should enjoy coming here to participate in discussions with fellow members of the community.
So what are you waiting for, get to posting!
Are we allowed to set up threads for Trophy Boosting requests etc? Or would that be considered spam, etc?
At any rate if any Canadian Gamers want to add me...send a request and put PSLS forums in the subject line.
Are we allowed to set up threads for Trophy Boosting requests etc? Or would that be considered spam, etc?
At any rate if any Canadian Gamers want to add me...send a request and put PSLS forums in the subject line.
Trophy boosting threads are perfectly fine! Definitely not considered spam. Feel free to visit the Trophy section of our forums and post away. :)
First and foremost I would like to extend a welcome to the PlayStationLifeStyle Forums, my name is BigPete7978. I have been running forums for quite some time, and am beyond happy to bring to you the much anticipated release of the PSLS Forums, a feature the community has been wanting for quite some time.
  1. No Spam - This is absolutely my number one rule. If you spam you will suffer the wrath of the Banhammer, period. If you are unsure about posting something, simply ask via PM to me or one of the other staff members and we will let you know.
  2. Don't harass other members - this is meant to be a community where you can come and relax and discuss videogames with fellow gamers, please refrain from harassing one another.
  3. Have fun - Our goal here is to have one of the best videogame communities on the internet. Everyone should enjoy coming here to participate in discussions with fellow members of the community.
So what are you waiting for, get to posting!
Got it but can I share my PlayStation community literally one game it so hard to find players
First and foremost I would like to extend a welcome to the PlayStationLifeStyle Forums, my name is BigPete7978. I have been running forums for quite some time, and am beyond happy to bring to you the much anticipated release of the PSLS Forums, a feature the community has been wanting for quite some time.
  1. No Spam - This is absolutely my number one rule. If you spam you will suffer the wrath of the Banhammer, period. If you are unsure about posting something, simply ask via PM to me or one of the other staff members and we will let you know.
  2. Don't harass other members - this is meant to be a community where you can come and relax and discuss videogames with fellow gamers, please refrain from harassing one another.
  3. Have fun - Our goal here is to have one of the best videogame communities on the internet. Everyone should enjoy coming here to participate in discussions with fellow members of the community.
So what are you waiting for, get to posting!
Hello BigPete7978,

Thank you for the warm welcome and for bringing the PlayStationLifeStyle Forums to life! It's great to have a dedicated space to discuss video games with fellow gamers. Your rules make a lot of sense, and I appreciate the commitment to maintaining a spam-free and friendly community. Looking forward to engaging in discussions and having a good time here. Let's get those discussions rolling!


Best regards,
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