Trials Fusion


PSLS Level: Silver
Get this game. Period :p
In all seriousness though I've been playing it all night and it's fantastic. Forgot how much I love the series. If you have never played a Trials game do yourself a favor and look up some gameplay videos.
I picked it up, great game but I did kind of blow through a good portion of it pretty quick. But, I am stuck on the last part where you need 110 medals to unlock one of the last tracks,and even though I am at 101 it feels like it is impossible to gold some of these courses.
I have it, and love it. I need some more friends that play this game, only one person on my leaderboard, which I believe is you Dan.

Did you get it on the Xbone Pete?
That's the thing that I love about the Trials series. The constant challenge of beating your friends on the leaderboards. :)
It's funny, I kinda like urban trials freestyle better, the vita version. But to me, these types of games are better on handheld.
It's funny, I kinda like urban trials freestyle better, the vita version. But to me, these types of games are better on handheld.
Definitely see where you are coming from. Was Urban Trials Freestyle made by the same people at Ubisoft and RedLynx?

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