That Game You Keep Meaning to Buy/Play


PSLS Level: Bronze
You know that game? You know what game I'm talking about. The one that you keep hearing people singing praises about, and you've seen nominated for all sorts of awards, and seemingly everyone but you has played. You keep telling others -- and yourself -- that you'll buy it and play it, but for some reason or other, you just never seem to get around to it.

Pretty sure many (most?) of us can relate to this, and I thought it'd make an amusing topic. If you have any games in mind that fall into this category, share 'em.
I guess you could put LBP2 in that category for me.. I mean everyone told me it was good and great things were written about it.. I just never found the time to pick it up.

Another one is Journey.
I never finished the .hack//GU series, and the games are ridiculously overpriced nowadays so I can't bring myself to spend so much money on procuring the trilogy when I could just as easily spend it on something else. And I'm only one trophy away from getting the Platinum for Demon's Souls, but gathering Colorless Demon's Souls is a huge pain in the ass so I've been avoiding it for years
Another one is Journey.
Ditto. Although, from what I recall, there may be a PS4 remaster coming out? Works for me, heh.

Among others, I keep meaning to platinum the first inFamous and move on to the second (and then Second Son and First Light, now that I have a PS4). Started working on the file to complete it, but eh... One day. Lol.

Dark Souls and Resonance of Fate are on the top of my backlog list. Today.
Before you start RoF, be sure to wait at the title screen for the alternate cutscene. It's not only a pretty cool scene, but actually pretty significant to the plot. I could never figure out why they chose to make it an optional scene, heh. It even answered a few questions I had while I was playing.
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Ditto. Although, from what I recall, there may be a PS4 remaster coming out? Works for me, heh.

Among others, I keep meaning to platinum the first inFamous and move on to the second (and then Second Son and First Light, now that I have a PS4). Started working on the file to complete it, but eh... One day. Lol.

Before you start RoF, be sure to wait at the title screen for the alternate cutscene. It's not only a pretty cool scene, but actually pretty significant to the plot. I could never figure out why they chose to make it an optional scene, heh. It even answered a few questions I had while I was playing.

Thanks for that info! I am glad I was able to see that before starting. I am now almost 6 hours into the game and I have to say the battle system is one of the most fun I have ever seen.
I never finished the .hack//GU series, and the games are ridiculously overpriced nowadays so I can't bring myself to spend so much money on procuring the trilogy when I could just as easily spend it on something else. And I'm only one trophy away from getting the Platinum for Demon's Souls, but gathering Colorless Demon's Souls is a huge pain in the ass so I've been avoiding it for years

I really liked the .hack//GU anime and game series. The boss battles were a bit wonky sometimes though.
Though i do know what you are talking about, i've never had the experience. I only buy games that sound interesting to, i never buy anything based on another persons review. So far my own system of gaming seems to work perfectly For me, but everybody has their own thing.
FF13 on Playstation Now I had the game once before but gave it up because of the characters I would like to give it another chance.
Mmm that game FOR ME would be Halo ( I have never played a Halo) and people on Xbox talk a lot about it and I keep telling myself that I have to do it even that I am more Sony than Microsoft... Its kinda a need for trying something others get crazy about and see what is all about. I dont like criticizing something that I havent tried...

Gears of War 3 was another one but I already did it last month.

Lets say it in another way. I want to play all xbox and nintendo exclusives because I have been only playing PS3 and PS4 and the Vita RIP.

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