Soul Sacrifice


PSLS Level: Newbie
Hello everyone, Still new around here but have a question on Soul Sacrifice! Does any one here play it? and if so i got it free off PS+, is it worth even to start with the new one out or soon to come out? And does any one have any guidance on what to aim for or is it personal preference!

Thanks Ahead Of Time
Hello everyone, Still new around here but have a question on Soul Sacrifice! Does any one here play it? and if so i got it free off PS+, is it worth even to start with the new one out or soon to come out? And does any one have any guidance on what to aim for or is it personal preference!

Thanks Ahead Of Time
All the impressions I've read about Soul Sacrifice Delta points towards it being what Soul Sacrifice should've been at launch (vanilla SS is still very good). If you don't mind paying $36 for it, then it is absolutely the better choice.

Even if you start vanilla SSacrifice now you can eventually transfer your save data to SS Delta if you decide to purchase it.

NOTE: Your level will be back at 1 but you keep up to 10 of each offering/spell.

As for tips, learn or have a weblink of the archfiend weaknesses. Knowing which elements to use and how to inflict inferno status makes the bosses much easier.
All the impressions I've read about Soul Sacrifice Delta points towards it being what Soul Sacrifice should've been at launch (vanilla SS is still very good). If you don't mind paying $36 for it, then it is absolutely the better choice.

Even if you start vanilla SSacrifice now you can eventually transfer your save data to SS Delta if you decide to purchase it.

NOTE: Your level will be back at 1 but you keep up to 10 of each offering/spell.

As for tips, learn or have a weblink of the archfiend weaknesses. Knowing which elements to use and how to inflict inferno status makes the bosses much easier.

Hey thank you i dont mind spending the 36 bucks. Hell its a break form 60 haha, but anyhow i think i will still roll with vanilla SS and pick up delta when it comes out thank you for the input!
No problem, if you have any more questions feel free to ask them.

(I haven't even finished the game myself.. going through it now)
I just got the game through PS Plus, so I haven't gotten a chance to try it out as of yet. Though I have heard great things about both the original Soul Sacrifice and Soul Sacrifice Delta.
BigPete it takes some time to get used! From what i can tell multiplayer is your friend if you get stuck make a room pick "Quest" and boom done. add me on PSN! we will knock some crap out!
Downloading Delta as we speak, Soul Sacrifice has got to be one of my top 3 Vita games to date. I went in expecting a Monster Hunter clone and ended up playing a very solid action game with one of the most engaging stories I've ever seen in a video game.

One tip I can offer is that the more people you bring to a fight, the more HP bosses will have. NPCs are indispensable in the early hours of the game, but once you have enough spells to carry the battle by yourself you might want to consider dumping your allies altogether (cruel as that sounds). Another thing to note is that you have a few seconds before the bosses transform, so you can lay a few traps at their feet and detonate them as soon as the battle starts. It's a very easy way to freeze/paralyze/burn/etc your enemies from the very start to give you an advantage.
Another positive about SS Delta is it uses world wide servers so it should be easier to find other players online.
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But i will play the 1st one before i start on the second may wait till im done with it b4 i even download the 2nd

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