Previous Sony E3s Broken Down by Time


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
This was posted over on NeoGAF about a week ago, I thought it was pretty interesting (and telling).


NeoGAF Topic

It's easy to see why the diehard Vita fans get annoyed by the lack of presence from Sony. Since it hit the shelves SCE has only spent around 11minutes talking about the device. =/

And I'm pretty sure that 16minute hardware talk in 2012 is about Wonderbook lol.
Good old Wonderbook!! haha.. the biggest difference I see here is Third Party time has really shot up.
I wish there was an accompanying chart with game titles and topics. The third party/third party exclusive correlation is deceiving because while the game may be multiplat, the content is almost always exclusive. This chart makes it seem like the third party content is basically just third party stage time to promote a game.

I also wish there were denotations for when a new hardware was introduced.
Good old Wonderbook!! haha.. the biggest difference I see here is Third Party time has really shot up.

Sony's track record with hardware is pretty bad lol. (PS Eye, Eyetoy, move, Wonderbook). I really hope they treat VR better.

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